Examples of investment phase in a sentence
Transition to SOFF Investment phase: Support the beneficiary country and the Implementing Entity in preparing the Investment phase funding request (template provided by the SOFF Secretariat).
More specifically, the methodological approach is structured around 3 phases: - Investment phase: assessment of carbon issues in the future development of the company; - Holding phase: o Familiarisation of management teams with climate issues o Analysis of the company's carbon impact o Depending on the specific issues, in-depth measurement and definition of an action plan to reduce emissions and to adapt to climate change - Disposal: evaluation of the main progress achieved.
January 2021: published the FY19 Consolidated Financial Statements and Indep Auditors’ Report November 2021: published the FY20 Consolidated Financial Statements and Independ Auditors’ Report June2022: plans to publish the FY21 Consolidated Financial Statements and Independ Auditors’ Report Beginning in July 2022, Phase II, the Internal Investment phase, will commence.
In practice, A1 time is based on the mean frequency of oscillation of several cesium standards as compared with the frequency of ephemeris time.
Having successfully being placed into deployment, the ship passes out of the Investment phase and into the Operations and Support (O&S) phase.
Subsequently, a contract is concluded with them.[6]5.2. Investment phase – stage of investment and implementation preparationAt this stage, the key point is obtaining a building permit for an investor.
In 2016, the portfolio of online classifieds sites in Investment phase developed well and increased traffic significantly.
Infrastructure behind the new capacities France -> Spain Common Value GWh/d Spain -> France Common Value GWh/d Investment phase 2007 Current status 2013 Reinforcement of Artère du Rhône 2015 creation of MIDCAT interconnector Source: ”ERGEG South Gas Regional Initiative -Development of existing interconnections by 2010/11 and proposal for a new one between France and Spain by 2013/15”, July 10th 2007 The following map should help readers visualize the above investment.
The Network teams were able to deliver effective of EMIS implementations in a very short time based on their existing knowledge and understanding of the core product design.
Organisational partnering typology for relation between BDO and community service provider (CSP) during different phases of service delivery cycle indicates the following:Capital Investment phase: Present scenario is that for the Kathirampatti VP, the supporting BDO and VP share responsibility for decisions regarding hardware and software development during implementation.