Technical Studies Sample Clauses

Technical Studies. As discussed in Task 5, this scope assumes the use of submitted technical studies to support the environmental analysis. All studies will be peer reviewed under Tasks 2 and 5, above. Depending on the results of the peer review findings of the technical studies and after County and Contractor review, it is assumed that any deficiencies in the studies will be provided by the technical consultants (authors of the technical studies identified on Attachment A-1. After revision and approval by the County and Contractor, the technical reports will be revised, and the draft technical studies will then be incorporated into the Administrative Draft EIR. This scope of work assumes that the technical studies will be included as appendices to the EIR to allow for sufficient public review and input. (Also, see optional studies identified and proposed scopes of work for this effort in Attachment A-2)
Technical Studies. Technical studies may be required by the city when potential adverse impacts are identified and may include, but are not limited to, the following: a. A traffic impact analysis sufficient to assess access to the site and within the site, on-street parking impacts and limitations and necessary traffic-related improvements; b. Drainage study; c. Geotechnical analysis; d. Noise analysis; e. Other analysis of potentially significant issues as identified during the SEPA environmental checklist review.
Technical Studies. This category includes projects for the collection of pertinent data, analysis of issues and needs, evaluation of alternative solutions, public input, and recommended actions, to assist in making solid waste management decisions at the local or regional level. Projects under this category may also include research and investigations to determine the location, boundaries, and contents of closed municipal solid waste landfills and sites, and to assess possible risks to human health or the environment associated with those landfills and sites. Funding limitations applicable to this category include: • All technical studies funded under this program must be consistent with H-GAC’s regional solid waste management plan, and prepared in accordance with guidelines provided by the TCEQ.
Technical Studies. We would request that any background studies be provided at the start of the CEQA process. We would review these and avoid duplication of effort while providing objective, third-party review. While we have not yet seen these studies, we assume that they will address many of the impact criteria to be evaluated in the IS/MND. We would like to request a geotechnical study as soon as possible.
Technical Studies. Each collegiate shall have 7 organizational units led by a chair. These units shall be as follows:
Technical Studies. This task includes preparation of the traffic study by Xxxxxx Transportation Consulting; review of the geology and soils study prepared by the applicant by GeoSoils; and the review of the hydrology and drainage study provided by the applicant and preparation of a utility study by KPFF Consulting Engineers. The approach for the preparation or review of these studies is described below.
Technical Studies. The following outline of technical studies is based on our experience with other bridge projects and our understanding of the proposed project. The CONSULTANT environmental team will prepare both the draft and final environmental documents in compliance with CEQA and NEPA procedures per the Caltrans SER, and Caltrans District 3 and FHWA guidelines.
Technical Studies. Task 4.1: Air Quality Analysis
Technical Studies. The project mapping and plans, as developed under Task 2, will serve as the study area limits for the environmental technical studies as outlined below. It is assumed that the proposed project would be constructed fully within existing railroad right-of-way. No additional easements or right-of-way will be acquired. If further design details become available during preparation of the environmental document and if right- of-way or easements are determined necessary, then the environmental technical studies will need to be updated to reflect the latest design plans. Updates to the environmental technical studies can be completed in accordance with the Additional Services clause of this agreement.
Technical Studies. Additional technical studies may be required to establish baseline conditions within the project area, and to facilitate impact analysis. The need and scope of these analyses would be developed after completion of the schematic design. Possible technical analysis that may be required includes the following: 1) Visual Simulations (including lighting) 2) Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Modeling (Operational and Construction) 3) Noise Study 4) Soils Report (Rink support foundation) 5) Traffic Study (additional trips in evening hours), Parking & Circulation Analysis