IPO Costs definition

IPO Costs means all fees, costs and expenses incurred or payable by (without duplication) the Borrower and the Restricted Subsidiaries or any direct or indirect parent thereof in connection with the consummation of the Public Offering and the Specified IPO Transactions, including any amortization of such fees, costs and expenses.
IPO Costs shall have the meaning set forth in Section 12.02.
IPO Costs means costs incurred by the Issuer and its Subsidiaries or a direct or indirect parent of the Issuer in connection with, associated with, or in anticipation of, or in preparation for, the IPO, or to establish or maintain compliance with the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, and the rules and regulations promulgated in connection therewith or establishing other enhanced accounting functions or disclosure controls and procedures; provided that any such costs described above in respect of the ongoing operation of the Issuer and its Subsidiaries (or any direct or indirect parent company of the Issuer and its Subsidiaries) as a listed equity security following the completion of four (4) fiscal quarters immediately after the IPO shall not constitute IPO Costs provided that such costs are not incurred in connection with or to remediate any issue that existed at the time of the IPO.

Examples of IPO Costs in a sentence

  • The Trustee or the person entitled to payment of the IPO Costs (as the case may be) may waive recovery of any of the IPO Costs, or may be reimbursed from the Assets in a year or years later than the year in which any IPO Cost was incurred or be able to charge interest.

  • Without limiting clause27.10, the Trustee may, on behalf of the Trust, pay or reimburse any person, including itself, the IPO Costs out of the Assets.

  • Adjusted Operating Loss of $4.21m (2020: $1.30m) is calculated before IFRS2 Share Based Payment Charge and Surrendered Share Options (Note 6.2), Depreciation, Amortisation, Interest, Exchange Differences and IPO Costs.

  • With effect from 1 January 2008, RAP 9, IPO Costs, has been withdrawn.

  • With fewer analysts, there is less information available to the market and less interest in smaller company IPOs. It has been estimated that there might be as many as ten additional small company IPOs per year if there was greater analyst coverage in this segment of the market.42 IPO Costs and Risks.

  • In the event of withdrawal or failure of the IPO, all Costs with respect to the IPO pursuant to clause 2 and the 2021 IPO Costs pursuant to clause 2A shall be borne by the Parties in accordance with the mutual agreement amongst the Parties.

  • It exists both in crystalline and amorphous forms, the latter is used in this formulation.

  • Allocation of issue expenses for the Invitation as an expenseOn 25 January 2008, the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Singapore has withdrawn the Recommended Accounting Practice 9 (“RAP 9”) - IPO Costs.

  • Goods and services tax, if any applicable on 2021 IPO Costs, shall be recovered from the Promoter Group Selling Shareholders and Investcorp PE (in proportion to their respective Offered Shares sold in the IPO).

  • Cash and cash equivalents are higher by an additional $5.44 million due to the assumed maximum proceeds of the Offer of $10.0 million, less: — IPO Costs $1.1 million; — Buyback of Shares $0.8 million; and — Repayment of shareholder loans $1.4 million; and — Repayment of interest bearing liabilities of $1.25 million.

Related to IPO Costs

  • Restructuring Expenses means losses, expenses and charges incurred in connection with restructuring by U.S. Borrower and/or one or more of its Subsidiaries, including in connection with integration of acquired businesses or persons, disposition of one or more Subsidiaries or businesses, exiting of one or more lines of businesses and relocation or consolidation of facilities, including severance, lease termination and other non-ordinary-course, non-operating costs and expenses in connection therewith.

  • Restructuring Costs means the costs, including both direct and indirect, of restructuring activities. Restructuring costs that may be allowed include, but are not limited to, severance pay for employees, early retirement incentive payments for employees, employee retraining costs, relocation expense for retained employees, and relocation and rearrangement of plant and equipment. For purposes of this definition, if restructuring costs associated with external restructuring activities allocated to DoD contracts are less than $2.5 million, the costs shall not be subject to the audit, review, and determination requirements of paragraph (c)(4) of this subsection; instead, the normal rules for determining cost allowability in accordance with FAR Part 31 shall apply.

  • Capital Expenses expenses that are capital in nature or required under GAAP to be capitalized.

  • O&M Costs as defined in the Depositary Agreement.

  • Pre-Opening Expenses means, with respect to any fiscal period, the amount of expenses (other than interest expense) incurred with respect to capital projects that are classified as “pre-opening expenses” on the applicable financial statements of the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries for such period, prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP.

  • Incremental Costs means all reasonable additional costs properly and reasonably incurred by Network Rail in respect of any modification referred to in paragraph 2.8, being the additional reasonable costs (if any) to Network Rail in respect of its obligation to maintain and operate the Network, but excluding:

  • Marketing Expenses mean the sum of Marketing Management Expenses, Advertising and Market Research Expenses and Medical Education Expenses.

  • Maintenance Costs means parts and materials, sublet and labour costs of a qualified licensed mechanic for the maintenance of the Revenue Service Vehicles, but shall not include costs associated with interior and exterior transit advertising signs and non-mechanical servicing of Revenue Service Vehicles such as fuelling, clearing fareboxes, cleaning and painting wheel rims, vehicle washing and other work performed by a serviceman; and,

  • Marketing Costs which means such reasonable charge for marketing of ores and concentrates sold or of concentrates tolled as is consistent with generally accepted industry marketing practices;

  • REIT Expenses means (i) costs and expenses relating to the formation and continuity of existence and operation of the General Partner and any Subsidiaries thereof (which Subsidiaries shall, for purposes hereof, be included within the definition of General Partner), including taxes, fees and assessments associated therewith, any and all costs, expenses or fees payable to any director, officer, or employee of the General Partner, (ii) costs and expenses relating to any public offering and registration of securities by the General Partner and all statements, reports, fees and expenses incidental thereto, including, without limitation, underwriting discounts and selling commissions applicable to any such offering of securities, and any costs and expenses associated with any claims made by any holders of such securities or any underwriters or placement agents thereof, (iii) costs and expenses associated with any repurchase of any securities by the General Partner, (iv) costs and expenses associated with the preparation and filing of any periodic or other reports and communications by the General Partner under federal, state or local laws or regulations, including filings with the Commission, (v) costs and expenses associated with compliance by the General Partner with laws, rules and regulations promulgated by any regulatory body, including the Commission and any securities exchange, (vi) costs and expenses associated with any 401(k) plan, incentive plan, bonus plan or other plan providing for compensation for the employees of the General Partner, (vii) costs and expenses incurred by the General Partner relating to any issuing or redemption of Partnership Interests, and (viii) all other operating or administrative costs of the General Partner incurred in the ordinary course of its business on behalf of or in connection with the Partnership.

  • Liquidity Expenses means all Liquidity Obligations other than (i) the principal amount of any Drawings under the Liquidity Facilities and (ii) any interest accrued on any Liquidity Obligations.

  • Tax Costs which shall mean any and all real estate taxes and other similar charges on real property or improvements, assessments, water and sewer charges, and all other charges assessed, reassessed or levied upon the Project and appurtenances thereto and the parking or other facilities thereof, or the real property thereunder (collectively the "Real Property") or attributable thereto or on the rents, issues, profits or income received or derived therefrom which are assessed, reassessed or levied by the United States, the State of California or any local government authority or agency or any political subdivision thereof, and shall include Landlord's reasonable legal fees, costs and disbursements incurred in connection with proceedings for reduction of Tax Costs or any part thereof; provided, however, if at any time after the date of this Lease the methods of taxation now prevailing shall be altered so that in lieu of or as a supplement to or a substitute for the whole or any part of any Tax Costs, there shall be assessed, reassessed or levied (a) a tax, assessment, reassessment, levy, imposition or charge wholly or partially as a net income, capital or franchise levy or otherwise on the rents, issues, profits or income derived therefrom, or (b) a tax, assessment, reassessment, levy (including but not limited to any municipal, state or federal levy), imposition or charge measured by or based in whole or in part upon the Real Property and imposed upon Landlord, then except to the extent such items are payable by Tenant under Article 6 below, such taxes, assessments, reassessments or levies or the part thereof so measured or based, shall be deemed to be included in the term "Direct Costs." In no event shall Tax Costs included in Direct Costs for any year subsequent to the Base Year be less than the amount of Tax Costs included in Direct Costs for the Base Year. In addition, when calculating Tax Costs for the Base Year, special assessments shall only be deemed included in Tax Costs for the Base Year to the extent that such special assessments are included in Tax Costs for the applicable subsequent calendar year during the Term.

  • O&M Expenses means expenses incurred by or on behalf of the Developer or by the Authority, as the case may be, for all O&M including (a) cost of salaries and other compensation to employees, (b) cost of materials, supplies, utilities and other services, (c) insurance premium, (d) all taxes, duties, cess and fees due and payable for O&M, (e) all repair, replacement, reconstruction, reinstatement, improvement and maintenance costs, (f) payments required to be made under the O&M Contract, or any other contract in connection with or incidental to O&M, and (g) all other expenditure required to be incurred under Applicable Laws, Applicable Permits or this Agreement.

  • Operating Costs means the incremental expenses incurred by the Recipient on account of Project implementation, management, and monitoring, including for office space rental, utilities, and supplies, bank charges, communications, vehicle operation, maintenance, and insurance, building and equipment maintenance, advertising expenses, travel and supervision, salaries of contractual and temporary staff, but excluding salaries, fees, honoraria, and bonuses of members of the Recipient’s civil service.

  • Incidental Expenses means those expenses incidental to the performance of construction pursuant to an Interconnection Construction Service Agreement, including, but not limited to, the expense of temporary construction power, telecommunications charges, Interconnected Transmission Owner expenses associated with, but not limited to, document preparation, design review, installation, monitoring, and construction-related operations and maintenance for the Customer Facility and for the Interconnection Facilities.

  • Litigation Costs means all reasonable costs, charges, expenses, including attorneys', accountants' and expert witnesses' fees, and obligations paid or incurred in connection with investigating, defending (including affirmative defenses and counterclaims), obtaining or attempting to obtain a settlement, being a witness in, or participating in or preparing to defend, be a witness in, or participate in, any Proceeding and any appeal therefrom and the cost of appeal, attachment and similar bonds.

  • Current Expenses means operating costs other than personal services and shall not

  • Sales Costs means all costs, direct and indirect, associated with a foreclosure sale by the City, including but not limited to: county recording fees, title reports or other means of identifying persons with interest in the property, title insurance, service and notification, publication and advertising, posting, sale, and staff salaries, including benefits and overhead.

  • FTE Costs means the product of (a) the number of FTEs (proportionately, on a per-FTE basis) used by a Party or its Affiliates in directly performing activities assigned to such Party under and in accordance with the Global Development Plan, Commercialization Plan or Medical Affairs Plan, as applicable, and (b) the FTE Rate.

  • Acquisition Costs means all fees, costs, expenses, stamp, registration or transfer Taxes incurred by the Group in connection with the Acquisition.

  • Offering Expenses means in respect of each Series, the following fees, costs and expenses allocable to such Series or such Series pro rata share (as determined by the Allocation Policy, if applicable) of any such fees, costs and expenses allocable to the Company incurred in connection with executing the Offering, consisting of underwriting, legal, accounting, escrow and compliance costs related to a specific offering. Officers means any president, vice president, secretary, treasurer or other officer of the Company or any Series as the Managing Member may designate (which shall, in each case, constitute managers within the meaning of the Delaware Act).

  • Base Operating Expenses means the Operating Expenses for the Base Year.

  • Basic Costs means all direct and indirect costs and expenses incurred in connection with the Building as more fully defined in Exhibit C attached hereto.

  • Company Expenses has the meaning provided in Section 8.3.

  • Controllable Expenses means all expenses, other than Uncontrollable Expenses, incurred by the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company with respect to the Property.

  • Issuance Costs means all fees, costs, charges, and expenses paid or incurred in connection with the authorization, preparation, printing, issuance, sale, and delivery of the Bonds and the making of the Loan, including, but not limited to, underwriting, legal, accounting, rating agency, and all other fees, costs, charges, and expenses incurred in connection with the development and implementation of the Financing Documents, the Closing Documents, and those other documents necessary or appropriate in connection with the authorization, preparation, printing, issuance, sale, marketing, and delivery of the Bonds and the making of the Loan contemplated thereby, together with financing fees, costs, and expenses, including program fees and administrative fees charged by the District, fees paid to financial institutions and insurance companies, initial letter of credit fees (if any), compensation to financial advisors and other persons (other than full-time employees of the District) and entities performing services on behalf of or as agents for the District.