irregular expenditure means expenditure, other than unauthorised expenditure, incurred in contravention of or that is not in accordance with a requirement of any applicable legislation, including—
Regular Occupation means the occupation you routinely perform at the time the Disability begins. We will consider the duties of the occupation as it is normally performed in the general labor market in the national economy.
Regular Position means an individual Nurse’s job defined as a percentage of full-time hours as set out in the appointment letter referred to in Article 15.
regular service means service rendered by an employee in the Cadre on a regular basis other than the service on contract or daily wages or ad-hoc but includes ad-hoc promotion or appointment in a cadre post through due procedure followed by regularization to the extant approved by the competent authority.
Regular Shipper means (i) a Committed Shipper, and (ii) a Shipper that has Actual Shipments in each of the twelve months of the Base Period. A Regular Shipper described in clause (ii) ceases to be a Regular Shipper if it has no Actual Shipments for one or more months out of the Base Period, and thereafter, that Shipper will be treated as a New Shipper unless and until it meets Regular Shipper criteria.
Regular Season means, with respect to any Season, the period beginning on the first day and ending on the last day of regularly scheduled (as opposed to exhibition or playoff) competition between NBA Teams.
Normal operation means all periods of operation except start-up and shutdown operations and maintenance of equipment;
Disposable earnings means that part of the earnings of an
operational area means a work unit providing a distinct service that may include one of the following areas: domestic services, food services, laundry/linen services and the work of aides and orderlies and similar operational work
Minor Irregularities means anything in the proposal that does not affect the price, quality and/or quantity, or any other mandatory requirement.
Mining operation means any operations undertaken for the purpose of winning any mineral as defined in section 3 (d) of Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957.
Gaming Operation means the business enterprise that offers and operates Gaming Activities, whether exclusively or otherwise.
Production Area means that part of the animal feeding operation that includes the animal confinement area, the manure storage area, the raw materials storage area, and the waste containment areas. The animal confinement area includes, but is not limited to, open lots, housed lots, feedlots, confinement houses, stall barns, free stall barns, milkrooms, milking centers, egg washing or egg processing areas, areas used for the storage and disposal/treatment of mortalities, cowyards, barnyards, medication pens, walkers, animal walkways, and stables. The manure storage area includes, but is not limited to, lagoons, runoff ponds, storage sheds, stockpiles, under-house or pit storages, liquid impoundments, static piles, and composting piles. The raw materials storage area includes, but is not limited to, feed silos, and silage bunkers. The waste containment area includes, but is not limited to, settling basins and areas within berms and diversions which separate uncontaminated stormwater.
Regular Care means Treatment that is administered as frequently as is medically required according to guidelines established by nationally recognized authorities, medical research, healthcare organizations, governmental agencies or rehabilitative organizations. Care must be rendered personally by your Physician according to generally accepted medical standards in your locality, be of a demonstrable medical value and be necessary to meet your basic health needs.
Production Operations means all operations conducted for the purpose of producing Petroleum from the Development Area after the commencement of production from the Development Area including the operation and maintenance of all necessary facilities therefor.
Regular hours worked means those hours which the court is regularly scheduled to work during any given work week. Depending on the particular court, these hours may vary from court to court within the county but remain the same for each work week.
Regular Hours means the hours between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday thru Friday, excluding the following holidays: Presidents' Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day.
Designated operational area means a geographic area designated by the combatant commander or subordinate joint force commander for the conduct or support of specified military operations.
Apprenticeable occupation means an occupation approved for apprenticeship by the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship.
Farming operation means raising, cultivating, propagating, fattening, grazing, or any other farming, livestock, or aquacultural operation.
In operation means engaged in activity related to the primary design function of the source.
Queue Position means the priority assigned to an Interconnection Request, a Completed Application, or an Upgrade Request pursuant to applicable provisions of Tariff, Part VI.
Regular services means services which provide for the carriage of passengers at specified intervals along specified routes, passengers being picked up and set down at predetermined stopping points;
Job means a position or job family level in a job family [74:840-1.3].
Mental abnormality means a congenital or acquired condition affecting the emotional or volitional capacity which predisposes the person to the commission of criminal sexual acts in a degree constituting such person a menace to the health and safety of others.
Irregularity means any breach of Union law, or of national law relating to its application, resulting from an act or omission by an economic operator involved in the implementation of the ESI Funds, which has, or would have, the effect of prejudicing the budget of the Union by charging an unjustified item of expenditure to the budget of the Union.