Knowledge of the Warrantor definition

Knowledge of the Warrantor means the actual knowledge or awareness as to a specific fact or event of the Persons whose names, employers and titles are as set forth in Schedule 1.95.
Knowledge of the Warrantor means the actual knowledge of the executive officers of Warrantor or awareness by such officer of the existence or absence of a fact, provided such Warrantor has made reasonable enquiry in the circumstances.
Knowledge of the Warrantor or the “Warrantor’s Knowledge” or any other similar knowledge qualification, means the actual or constructive collective knowledge of Marco Gxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx or Axxx Xxxxxx, after due inquiry.

Examples of Knowledge of the Warrantor in a sentence

  • Since June 30, 2019, to the Knowledge of the Warrantor, none of the Group Parties has used any name other than the names listed on Schedule 4.8 to conduct the Platform Business.

  • To the Knowledge of the Warrantor regarding the French Companies, there is no justification for the lessor to request an increase of the rents (except for the Lease Agreement RO’s annual reevaluation as per the construction cost index).

  • Regarding PEDRENA, and to the Knowledge of the Warrantor regarding the French Companies, no account receivable which has occurred after the Balance Sheets is the subject of a dispute.

  • To the Knowledge of the Warrantor, there does not exist any event that could cause the cancellation or the suspension of said permits, licenses or authorizations or which may constitute a breach of applicable law or regulations or of any of their contractual obligations, except for such any breach that, individually or in the aggregate, do not have a Material Adverse Effect.

  • Neither the Warrantor nor PEDRENA nor, to the Knowledge of the Warrantor, the French Companies are being subject to any pending judicial or administrative proceeding (including bankruptcy) that would (1) prevent or forbid the completion of the Acquisition, (2) have material adverse consequences on the Companies’ financial situation, or (3) create an easement, security, or any other rights or restrictions of any kind, and in the benefit of a third party, over any asset whatsoever of the Companies.

  • Regarding PEDRENA, and to the Knowledge of the Warrantor regarding the French Companies, each of the Companies paid all premiums regarding the insurance policies subscribed by the Companies required to be paid to such date.

  • No government funding, facilities of a university, college or other educational institution or research center was used in the development of the Software, and, to the Knowledge of the Warrantor, no such entity or any other third party has any claim or right to the Software.

  • To the Knowledge of the Warrantor, each of the Companies has exercised all reasonable and due care to protect the integrity of the Companies’ IP Rights, except for any such failure that, individually or in the aggregate, could not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

  • There are no such rights on the assets as to limit their enjoyment or absolute ownership; similarly, for PEDRENA, and to the Knowledge of the Warrantor for the French Companies, the Companies have made no undertakings to grant any such rights.

  • To the Knowledge of the Warrantor, neither the Companies’ IP Rights nor the exercise thereof infringes or violates any rights of a third party.

More Definitions of Knowledge of the Warrantor

Knowledge of the Warrantor means any matters of which the Warrantor has, in its capacity as majority shareholder of the Companies, knowledge or notice or could reasonably be expected to have knowledge in such capacity in accordance with the rights to information of a shareholder pursuant to French and Dutch corporate laws. Loans: shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.14 below.

Related to Knowledge of the Warrantor

  • Knowledge of the Buyer means the actual knowledge of the persons listed on Schedule 1.01 under the heading “Knowledge of the Buyer”.

  • Knowledge of Buyer Means the actual knowledge of Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx.

  • Knowledge of Purchaser means the actual knowledge of the Persons listed on Section 1.1 of the Purchaser Disclosure Schedule.

  • Buyer’s Knowledge means the actual knowledge of Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxx or Xxxxxxx Xxxxx.

  • Knowledge of the Seller or “the Seller’s Knowledge” means the actual knowledge of any executive officer of the Seller after due inquiry into the facts or circumstances supporting any representation, warranty or statement qualified by such terms.

  • Purchaser’s Knowledge means the actual knowledge of Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, B. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, L. Xxxx Xxxxxx and Xxxxxxx Xxxxx after reasonable inquiry.

  • Knowledge of the Sellers means the actual knowledge of a fact or other matter, after due inquiry, of any one of the following individuals: Xxxxxx XxXxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx and Xxxx Xxxxxx.

  • Knowledge of the Company means the actual knowledge after reasonable inquiry of one or more of Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx and Xxxxx Xxxxxx.

  • Knowledge of Parent means the actual knowledge of the individuals listed on Section 1.1(a) of the Parent Disclosure Letter.

  • Knowledge of Seller means, as to a particular matter, the current actual knowledge of the following people: Xxxxxxx Xxx; Xxxxxxx Soon-Shiong; Xxxx Xxxx; Xxx Xxxxx; Xxxxx Xxxxxxx; Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx; Xxxxxxx Xxxx; and Xxxx Leader.

  • Knowledge of Sellers means the actual knowledge of the individuals listed on Section 1.1D of the Sellers’ Disclosure Schedule as to the matters represented and as of the date the representation is made.

  • Knowledge of Seller or Seller’s Knowledge or any other similar knowledge qualification, means the actual or constructive knowledge of any director or officer of Seller, after due inquiry.

  • Parent’s Knowledge means the actual knowledge of those individuals identified in Section 1.1(b) of the Parent Disclosure Schedule.

  • to Seller’s knowledge or “Seller’s Knowledge” means the present actual (as opposed to constructive or imputed) knowledge solely of Xxxx Xxxxxxx, Vice President, Leasing, and Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Senior Director of Property Management and regional property manager for this Property, without any independent investigation or inquiry whatsoever.

  • Knowledge means actual knowledge after reasonable investigation.

  • Seller’s Knowledge with respect to Seller means the actual knowledge of Xxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxx and Xxxxxxx Ek, after reasonable due inquiry.

  • Company’s Knowledge means the actual knowledge of the executive officers (as defined in Rule 405 under the 0000 Xxx) of the Company, after due inquiry.

  • the Company’s knowledge as used herein shall mean the actual knowledge of Xxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxx XxXxxxxx and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx.

  • Threatened means a claim, Proceeding, dispute, action or other matter for which any demand or statement has been made (orally or in writing) or any notice has been given (orally or in writing), or if any other event has occurred or any other circumstances exist, that would lead a prudent Person to conclude that such a claim, Proceeding, dispute, action or other matter is likely to be asserted, commenced, taken or otherwise pursued in the future.

  • to the best knowledge of means, when modifying a representation, warranty or other statement of any Person, that the fact or situation described therein is known by the Person (or, in the case of a Person other than a natural Person, known by a Responsible Official of that Person) making the representation, warranty or other statement, or with the exercise of reasonable due diligence under the circumstances (in accordance with the standard of what a reasonable Person in similar circumstances would have done) would have been known by the Person (or, in the case of a Person other than a natural Person, would have been known by a Responsible Official of that Person).

  • Best Knowledge means both what a Person knew as well as what the Person should have known had the Person exercised reasonable diligence. When used with respect to a Person other than a natural person, the term "Best Knowledge" shall include matters that are known to the directors and officers of the Person.

  • Borrower’s Knowledge or “Knowledge of the Borrower” means the actual knowledge of any person holding any of the following offices as of the date of determination: (a) President, Chief Executive Officer, any Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, General Counsel, Secretary, Vice President-Human Resources, and Environmental Engineer, and any successor to those offices, such persons being the principal persons employed by the Borrower ultimately responsible for environmental operations and compliance, ERISA and legal matters relating to the Borrower or (b) the Treasurer or any other person having the primary responsibility for the day-to-day administration of, and dealings with the Administrative Agent and the Lenders in connection with, this Agreement.

  • Threatened litigation as used herein shall include governmental investigations and civil investigative demands. “Litigation” as used herein shall include administrative enforcement actions brought by governmental agencies. The Contractor must also disclose any material litigation threatened or pending involving Subcontractors, consultants, and/or lobbyists. For purposes of this section, “material” refers, but is not limited, to any action or pending action that a reasonable person knowledgeable in the applicable industry would consider relevant to the Work under the Contract or any development such a person would want to be aware of in order to stay fully apprised of the total mix of information relevant to the Work, together with any litigation threatened or pending that may result in a substantial change in the Contractor’s financial condition.

  • to the Company’s knowledge means the actual knowledge after reasonable investigation of the Company’s officers and directors.

  • Reasonable inquiry means an inquiry designed to uncover any information in the entity's possession about the identity of the producer or provider of covered telecommunications equipment or services used by the entity that excludes the need to include an internal or third-party audit.

  • Pending means that a prosecuting attorney is either actively investigating the factual basis of the alleged criminal conduct, is preparing to seek or is seeking an accusatory instrument, has obtained an accusatory instrument and is proceeding to trial or is in trial or in the process of negotiating a plea. [1974 c.72 §13; 1989 c.807 §1; 1991 c.272 §1; 1991 c.770 §1a; 1993 c.743 §18; 1999 c.849 §§51,52; 1999 c.850 §1; 2003 c.75 §30; 2007 c.865 §23; 2009 c.163 §2]