Lawful custodian means a person or persons
Lawful custodian means the government body currently in physical possession of the public record. The custodian of a public record in the physical possession of persons outside a government body is the government body owning that record. The records relating to the investment of public funds are the property of the public body responsible for the public funds. Each government body shall delegate to particular officials or employees of that government body the responsibility for implementing the requirements of this chapter and shall publicly announce the particular officials or employees to whom responsibility for implementing the requirements of this chapter has been delegated. “Lawful custodian” does not mean an automated data processing unit of a public body if the data processing unit holds the records solely as the agent of another public body, nor does it mean a unit which holds the records of other public bodies solely for storage.
Examples of Lawful custodian in a sentence
The term "lawful "Lawful custodian" means the8 24 government body currently in physical possession of the public8 25 government record.
More Definitions of Lawful custodian
Lawful custodian means a person or persons granted legal custody of a child or entitled to physical
Lawful custodian of the public records means the government body currently in possession of the public record.47 A government body is required to delegate the
Lawful custodian means the governmentbody currently in physical possession of the public record. Each governmentbody must delegate to particular officials or employees the responsibility for implementing an open records policy. In many cities, the city clerk or an individual in the clerk’s office performs this function. In larger organizations, there may be an individual located in each department. The law requires the government body publicly announce the particular officials or employees whom are responsible for implementing the open records policy. [Code of Iowa 22.1(2)]
Lawful custodian means a person who is authorized to have custody by an order of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia or a court of competent jurisdiction of any state, or a person designated by the lawful custodian temporarily to care for the child.
Lawful custodian means a person or persons granted legal custody of a child or entitled to physical possession of a child pursuant to a court order. It is presumed that, when the parties have never been married to each other, the mother has legal custody of the child unless a valid court order states otherwise. If an adjudication of paternity has been completed and the father has been assigned support obligations or visitation rights, such a paternity order should, for the purposes of this Section, be considered a valid court order granting custody to the mother.
Lawful custodian means a parent, guardian, or another person responsible by authority of law for the care, custody, or control of another. Note: this is NOT the same usage of “custody” as found in a
Lawful custodian means a parent, guardian, or other person responsible by authority of law for the care, custody, or control of another;