Lawful Spouse definition

Lawful Spouse means the person to whom Executive (i) is legally married as of Executive’s Annuity Starting Date and (ii) has been legally married for at least twelve months prior to Executive’s Annuity Starting Date.
Lawful Spouse means a person to whom an individual described in§ 130.10(a) is married according to the laws of the place where the person re- sides on the date the petition is filed. If the laws of the place where the person resides consider an individual who is legally separated or in a common law marriage to be married, then such a person is a lawful spouse.
Lawful Spouse means the husband or wife of a Member who is able to produce to the Proprietor a valid marriage certificate or such other documentary proof of marriage to the satisfaction of the Proprietor.

Examples of Lawful Spouse in a sentence

  • In the event of the divorce of Executive and his Lawful Spouse on or after the Annuity Starting Date, such Lawful Spouse shall retain any right to receive any future beneficiary payments pursuant to Executive’s benefit payment election in effect as of the Annuity Starting Date.

  • In the event of the death of Executive’s Lawful Spouse on or after Executive’s Annuity Starting Date, no alternate or contingent beneficiary shall receive a benefit under the Plan.

  • Coverage under the Plan for your Lawful Spouse or Domestic Partner, your Lawful Spouse’s or Domestic Partner’s children and, if applicable, for yourself, will be retroactive to the date of your marriage or the date of entering into the Domestic Partnership relationship.

  • Effective January 1, 2015, the threshold for automatic payments from the Pension Plan (payments not requiring your written consent and, if applicable, the written consent of your Lawful Spouse) has been increased from $1,000 to $5,000.

  • You and your Covered Dependents Out-of-Network Services are applied to the individual Deductibles as follows: Enrolled Family MemberAmount of Covered Expenses Applies to Their Out-of-Network Individual DeductiblesYou$ 200Your Lawful Spouse$ 300Child 1$ 400Child 2$ 200Child 3$ 400Family Deductible Is Met$1,500 In the above example, none of your family members satisfied his or her individual Deductible of $500, but together satisfied the family Deductible of $1,500.

  • C-8 FEDERAL-MOGUL CORPORATION KEY EXECUTIVE PENSION PLAN FOR JOSÉ MARIA ALAPONT In no event shall any beneficiary other than Executive’s Lawful Spouse receive any payment under the Plan.

  • Eligible Dependents Include:  Your Lawful Spouse or Domestic Partner (either same-sex or opposite-sex; both parties must complete and file a notarized Domestic Partner Affidavit or Government registration). Children To be eligible for coverage, a dependent child must be under 26 years of age.

  • Eligible Dependents ⇒ Your Lawful Spouse, see Spouse Provision on page 6.⇒ Your child under age 26.

  • Money in this account may be used to pay for eligible dependent care expenses that allow you to work, or if you are married, that allow both you and your Lawful Spouse to work, or your Lawful Spouse to attend school full time.

  • Lawful Spouse or Domestic Partner Provision The coverage provided by this Policy shall also apply to the lawful spouse or Domestic Partner of an Insured Person, but only for Claims arising out of any actual or alleged Wrongful Act of such Insured Person.

More Definitions of Lawful Spouse

Lawful Spouse means the Director’s lawful spouse, which will include civil partnerships that are recognised by law in the United Kingdom or in their country of domicile.
Lawful Spouse of a Participant means the person to whom the Participant (i) is legally married as of the Participant’s Annuity Starting Date and (ii) has been legally married for at least twelve months prior to the Annuity Starting Date.

Related to Lawful Spouse

  • Surviving Spouse means the widow or widower, as the case may be, of a Deceased Participant or a Deceased Beneficiary (as applicable).

  • Former Spouse means the individual who is considered by Applicable Laws to be the Annuitant’s former spouse or common-law partner;

  • additional spouse means a spouse by the party to the marriage who is additional to the party to the marriage;

  • Eligible Spouse means a spouse of an Eligible Retiree who satisfies the requirements for eligibility described in the Eligibility section of this document, or an ex-spouse who is an Eligible Spouse with rights to coverage as an Eligible Spouse pursuant to a court order recognized by SHARP. A Spouse must be married to retiree at least one year prior to the effective date of retirement. A Spouse married after the retiree’s effective retirement date is considered a non-eligible spouse for purposes of the Plan. [See “Spouse”]

  • Spouse means, an individual who,

  • Designated Beneficiary means the beneficiary or beneficiaries the Participant designates, in a manner the Administrator determines, to receive amounts due or exercise the Participant’s rights if the Participant dies or becomes incapacitated. Without a Participant’s effective designation, “Designated Beneficiary” will mean the Participant’s estate.

  • de facto spouse means a person of the opposite sex to the employee who lives with the employee as the husband or wife of the employee on a bona fide domestic basis, although not legally married to that person.

  • Military spouse means a person who is married to a military service member.

  • Community spouse means a spouse of an institutionalized spouse for the purposes of rules 441—75.5(249A), 441—75.16(249A), and 441—76.10(249A).

  • primary beneficiary means the individual for whose primary benefit the trust is then held.

  • Income beneficiary means a person to whom net income of a trust is or may be payable.

  • Qualified beneficiary means a beneficiary who, on the date the beneficiary's qualification is determined:

  • Contingent Beneficiary is the person that becomes the Beneficiary if the named Beneficiary dies prior to the Income Date.

  • FTR Participant means any Market Participant that provides or is required to provide Collateral in order to participate in PJM’s FTR auctions.

  • Joint Annuitant means the one person that a retired member who has elected an optional

  • Pecuniary benefit means benefit in the form of money, property, commercial interests or anything else the primary significance of which is economic gain. Expenses associated with social occasions afforded public servants shall not be deemed a pecuniary benefit.

  • Retired Participant means a person who has been a Participant, but who has become entitled to retirement benefits under the Plan.

  • Pre-Retirement Survivor Benefit means the benefit set forth in Article 6.

  • Alternate Payee means a spouse, former spouse, child, or other dependent of a participant, who is designated to be paid retirement benefits in a qualified domestic relations order;

  • Net death benefit means the amount of the life insurance policy or certificate to be settled less any outstanding debts or liens.

  • Contingent Annuitant is the natural person who becomes the Annuitant if the Annuitant dies prior to the Income Date.

  • Refund beneficiary means an individual nominated by a qualified participant or a former qualified participant under section 66 to receive a distribution of the participant's accumulated balance in the manner prescribed in section 67.

  • Plan Benefit means the benefit payable to a Participant as calculated in Article V.

  • Former Participant means a person who has been a Participant, but who has ceased to be a Participant for any reason.

  • Disabled Participant with respect to a loan if it has no right to exercise any voting or other control rights with respect to such loan (other than the right to approve amendments to the material economic terms of such loan).

  • Spouse or partner means a person (including same sex partners) who lives with the principal policy holder in a marital or de facto relationship.