Examples of Litter Bin in a sentence
It takes two minutes to report a problem, please help keep our community beautiful.https://apps.southhams.gov.uk/webreportitAbandoned Vehicle, Damaged or Full Dog Bin, Damaged/Full Litter Bin, Damaged/Full Recycling Bank, DeadAnimal, Dirty Beach, Fly Tipping, Litter/Dog Mess, Planning Breach, Stray Dogs, AND MORE… The meeting convened.
Available from: http:// www20.gencat.cat/docs/salut/Home/Ambits%20tematics/Linies%20dactuacio/Model_assistencial/Atencio_al_malalt_cronic/ documents/arxius/programa_pacient_expert_Catalunya_cast.pdf.
These headings are largely demand-led and frequently record an underspending, currently totalling £4,970.• The Litter Bin Emptying budget shows a further underspending of £650.
When previously considering an item on the Council’s Litter Bin Review, the Committee had requested information on bin location by ward.
Waste management involves:• Refuse collection• Recovery of recyclable materials• Management of Landfill and Clean fill and Resource Recovery Centres• Management of minor quantities of hazardous waste• Litter Bin management• Waste minimisation• Environmental monitoring, also of closed refuse facilitiesLitter control is a Regulatory function and is covered under a separate Activity Management Plan.