Examples of Waste Storage Facility in a sentence
The Explosives Waste Storage Facility (EWSF) and the Explosives Waste Treatment Facility (EWTF) are permitted to store and treat explosives waste, respectively.
The function of the Future Interim On Site Low-Level Radioactive Waste Storage Facility (RS) is to provide the capabilities for handling and storing for up to a maximum of five (5) years, solidified wastes and dry active wastes, prior to shipment off site.
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Idaho Conservation Practice Standard Waste Storage Facility Code 313 December 2004.
The Company intervened in the case along with the defendant Ministry of Environment and Urbanization which was filed for the cancellation and stay of execution of the EIA affirmative decision given regarding the 2nd Waste Storage Facility project planned to be made in the field site with the operation license number of 82567 and the trial is ongoing.
NRG Waste Storage Facility; partly HLW from irradiation experiments; to be transferred toCOVRA Table 2.