Waste Storage Facility definition

Waste Storage Facility means a room or structure for the intended purpose of storing waste containers and other materials such as appliances and bulky items.
Waste Storage Facility means premises used to collect, consolidate, temporarily store or sort waste before transfer to a waste disposal facility or a resource recovery facility on a commercial scale;
Waste Storage Facility. (WSF) shall mean those operable units subject to the requirements of IDAPA [40 CFR 270.14-.27] that manage mixed waste only. Current defined WSF operable units for the AMWTP HWMA/RCRA Permit includes the Type I Module (WMF-635), the Type II Modules (WMF-628, WMF-629, WMF-630, WMF-631, WMF-632, and WMF-633), and the Waste

Examples of Waste Storage Facility in a sentence

  • The Explosives Waste Storage Facility (EWSF) and the Explosives Waste Treatment Facility (EWTF) are permitted to store and treat explosives waste, respectively.

  • The function of the Future Interim On Site Low-Level Radioactive Waste Storage Facility (RS) is to provide the capabilities for handling and storing for up to a maximum of five (5) years, solidified wastes and dry active wastes, prior to shipment off site.

  • Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Idaho Conservation Practice Standard Waste Storage Facility Code 313 December 2004.

  • The Company intervened in the case along with the defendant Ministry of Environment and Urbanization which was filed for the cancellation and stay of execution of the EIA affirmative decision given regarding the 2nd Waste Storage Facility project planned to be made in the field site with the operation license number of 82567 and the trial is ongoing.

  • NRG Waste Storage Facility; partly HLW from irradiation experiments; to be transferred toCOVRA Table 2.

More Definitions of Waste Storage Facility

Waste Storage Facility means one or more waste storage structures. “Waste storage
Waste Storage Facility means a waste impoundment made by constructing an embankment or excavating a pit or dugout, or both, or by fabricating a facility for the storage of waste from livestock or poultry.
Waste Storage Facility means premises used to collect, consolidate, temporarily store or sort waste before transfer to a waste disposal facility or a resource recovery facility on a commercial scale;” e. Removing the use class definitions for “Grouped Dwelling”, “Multiple Dwelling”, “Residential Building” and “Single House”, while retaining permissibilities within the Zoning Table and references within the Scheme; f. Removing the following obsolete or out-dated definitions and associated permissibilities and references throughout the Scheme where relevant: i. “The Act”;ii. Advertisement;iii. Amusement Machine;iv. Applicant;v. Boarding House;vi. Boatel;vii. Building;viii. Bulk Store;ix. Bulky Goods;x. Bus Station;xi. Chandlery;xii. Communal or Cluster Farming;xiii. Conservation Tourism;xiv. Display Home;xv. Dry Industry;xvi. Dwelling;xvii. Generating Works;xviii. Manager’s Residence;xix. Marine Facilities;xx. Natural Ground Level;xxi. Offensive and Hazardous Industry;xxii. Owner;xxiii. Place;xxiv. Place of Assembly;xxv. Public Utility;xxvi. Recreation Facility;xxvii. Retirement Village;xxviii. Rural Worker’s Dwelling;xxix. Salvage Yard;xxx. Sawmill;xxxi. Service Industry;xxxii. Stabilised Surface Level of a Lot;xxxiii. Stock & Sale Yard;xxxiv. Timber Yard;xxxv. Waterway Frontage; g. Rearranging the Schedule into two parts, being “Division 1 – General definitions used in Scheme” and “Division 2 – Land use terms used in Scheme”, whereby: i. The following terms are to be included in Division 1: Canal FrontageCommission Council DamDiscount Department Store Entry StatementFloodwayMean High Water MarkMooring Envelope Net Lettable AreaPrime Agricultural LandResearch and Development Facility Rural Tourist Accommodation Stabilised Canal EdgeCity of Busselton Local Planning Scheme No. 21Scheme Amendment No. 29 Page 40FrontageGazettal DateIncidental DevelopmentSupermarketVegetation ii. The following terms are to be included in Division 2: AbattoirAged Persons’ Home Agriculture – Extensive Agriculture – Intensive Amusement Parlour Animal EstablishmentAnimal Husbandry – Intensive AquacultureBed and Breakfast BreweryBus Depot Caravan Park Car Park Cinema/Theatre ChaletChild Care Premises Club Premises Community Purpose Consulting Rooms Convenience Store Corner ShopEducational Establishment Exhibition CentreFactory Unit Building Fuel DepotFuneral Parlour Garden Centre GuesthouseHoliday Home (Multiple/Grouped Dwelling) Holiday Home (Single House)Home Business Home Occupation Home Office Hospital...
Waste Storage Facility means a facility which serves the purpose of collection and temporary storage, sorting and mixing of waste within the business premises of a producer and/or holder of waste and facilities intended for waste management (hereinafter referred to as: waste storage);
Waste Storage Facility means an earthen, steel, concrete or synthetic material containment system, with or without a roof or covering enclosing the surface area of the container, used for the storage or liquid or solid pig waste;
Waste Storage Facility means a waste holding pond or tank used to store manure prior to land application, or a lagoon or treatment facility used to digest or reduce the solids or nutrients.
Waste Storage Facility means one or more waste storage structures. “Waste storage facility” includes waste transfer systems consisting of stationary equipment and piping used to load or unload a waste storage structure if the equipment is specifically designed for that purpose and is an integral part of the facility. “Waste storage facility” does not include equipment used to apply waste to land.