Section 6.8 Sample Clauses
Section 6.8. District shall only use employees classified as regular bus drivers, including substitutes; meeting federal
Section 6.8. 31 Individual overtime agreements will be executed between employees and their supervisors each year 32 and submitted to the Human Resources Division. In the assignment of overtime, the District agrees to 33 provide the employee with as much advance notice as practicable in the circumstances. Normally, 34 employees designated to work overtime on days outside their regular workweek will be advised of the 35 possibility no later than the preceding work day before the overtime commences.
Section 6.8. 28 Employees assigned to work a shift and assume the duties of a regular employee of a higher paid 29 classification shall receive compensation equal to that received by the employee of higher paid 30 classification if the assignment is for one (1) full work day. Otherwise, employees shall be paid the 31 substitute rate or their regular hourly rate, whichever is higher.
Section 6.8. 5 Shifts shall be established for bus drivers in relation to routes and driving times as follows: Actual 6 driving time, plus one hundred five (105) hours per year for vehicle cleaning, maintenance, safety 7 inspection, and student management; plus, eighteen (18) hours per year for drivers regularly assigned 8 diesel powered vehicles, plus thirty (30) hours per year for to and from loading and unloading zone to 9 and from bus garage; plus fifteen (15) hours per year for route variance; plus twelve (12) hours per 10 year for arrival time variance.
Section 6.8 trips will be compensated at the driver's base hourly rate for a minimum of eight (8) hours 44 per day and shall be compensated at overtime rates for all hours driven in excess of eight (8) hours per 45 day. Meals and lodging will be furnished by the District.
Section 6.8. Service employees shall report to work at least one (1) working day prior to beginning of the 17 school year.
Section 6.8. 13 At the discretion of the Superintendent, employees may be released early without loss of pay for health 14 and/or safety related emergencies.
Section 6.8. When school is closed on a student day because of a snow day, but the District does not need 35 to make up such student school day, employees who have lost hours from their regular schedule on such 36 day(s) shall be given the opportunity to work make up, additional, non-overtime hours, as scheduled by the 37 District, including the possibility of working hours beyond eight (8) hours in a day or Saturday hours. 38
Section 6.8. Employees requested to work an assignment regularly filled by a higher paid position will receive 3 compensation for the work performed in the higher paid position at the step level of the employee who is 4 requested to make the change. The adjusted compensation will commence beginning with the fourth 5 consecutive day of the assignment, and will be retroactive to and including the first day. In the event that 6 the assignment terminates before the commencement of the fourth consecutive day, the rate of pay will 7 remain at the lower position and step level of the employee who was requested to make the change.
Section 6.8. 5 At the discretion of the Superintendent, employees may be released early without loss of pay for health 6 and/or safety related emergencies. 10 A R T I C L E V I I