Loan Summary means the summary furnished to the borrower and attached to the Agreement as Annexure B, which constitutes the Quotation required to be furnished by Investec in terms of the Act, if the Act applies;
Loan Summary means the loan details summarised by us to you in the Tyro App based on your input to the loan calculator and containing the key terms of the Loan. For the purpose of any guarantee, Loan Offer has the same meaning.
Loan Summary means a summary substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A.
Examples of Loan Summary in a sentence
We do not provide an initial amortization schedule at the time of project agreement release but maintain a "Loan Summary Spreadsheet" on our website on the Financial Tab under "Loans".
We do not provide an initial amortization schedule but maintain a "Loan Summary Spreadsheet" on our web site on the Financial Tab under "Loans".
We do not provide an initial amortization schedule at the time of Project agreement release but maintain a "Loan Summary Spreadsheet" on our website on the Financial Tab under "Loans".
We do not provide an initial amortization schedule but maintain a "Loan Summary" on our web site on the Financial Tab under "Loans".
The Loan Summary sets forth the Number of Weekly Payments you must make and the Weekly Payment Amount.
More Definitions of Loan Summary
Loan Summary means a loan summary substantially in the form of Appendix 1 executed by each of the Borrower, the Collateral Agent, the Administrative Agent and each Lender dated as of the Closing Date, as amended, restated, replaced, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time.
Loan Summary means the terms of the Loan issued or communicated by way of any of the Contact Options by HCIN to the Borrower confirming the grant of the Loan to the Borrower subject to the terms and conditions contained in this GTC, the Loan Summary and other Documents.
Loan Summary means the loan amount applied for by the Borrower and duly sanctioned by the Lender as per the Disbursement Terms.
Loan Summary means the applicable Choices Home Loan Summary for your Loan, including any variations made from time to time.
Loan Summary means the communication by HCIN through any of the Contact Options restating the important terms and conditions relating to the grant of Flexible Personal Loan to the Borrower. “ర్ుణ సారాంశం” అంటే రుణగ్హె ీతక్ు ఫ్ు ెక్్ిబుల్ పరినల్ లోన్ మంజూరు చేయడవనిక్్ సంబంọించిన ముḅుమˇైన నిబంధనలు మర్ియు షరతvలనద పపనరుదావటసి ూ ఏదనˇర వక్ాంటాక్ట ఆపషను దవార్ా HCIN దవార్ా క్మరునిక్ేషన్.“Mandate” means the instructions given by the Borrower to debit his bank account to make the payment(s) in respect of Flexible Personal Loan to HCIN through Automated Fund Transfer from time to time. “మాండేట్” అంటే ఎపపటిక్పపపడు ఆటోమేటెడ్ ఫండ్ టరాన్ిఫర్ దవార్ా HCINక్ు ఫ్ు ెక్్ిబుల్ పరినల్ లోన్క్ు సంబంọించి చలిˇ ుంపప (లు) చేయడవనిక్్ రుణగ్హె ీత తనబాుంక్ ḅాత్వనద డˇబిట్ చేయడవనిక్్ ఇచిున సూచనలు.“Monthly Bill” means the statement having detail as per Clause6.2 with respect to the Borrower’s account for Flexible Personal Loan and generated at the end of each Billing Cycle. “నెలవారీ బిలె ు” అంటే ఫ్ు ెక్్ిబుల్ పరినల్ లోన్ క్ోసం రుణగ్హె ీత యొక్క ḅాత్వక్ు సంబంọించి నిబంధన 6.2 పరక్ారం వివర్ాలు ఉనన స్టేటెమంట్ మర్ియు పరతి బిలిుంగ్ స్ెరక్్ల్చివర్ిలో ఉతపతిి చేయబడుతvంది.“Monthly Instalment” or “Minimum Amount Due” has the meaning defined in Clause 6.1 “నెలవారీ వాయిదా” or “బాక్స కనీస్ మొతత ం” అరధం నిబంధన6.1లో నిరాచించబడింది.“Non-Performing Asset” or “NPA” shall mean the loan/ asset declared as NPA by HCIN in compliance with the policy of HCIN, as amended from time to time. “నాన్స-పరాామింగ్ ఆసత ి” లేదవ “NPA” అంటే ఎపపటిక్పపపడు సవర్ించినటు లగా, HCIN విọవనవనిక్్ అనదగ్ుణంగా HCIN చేతNPA గా పరక్టించబడిన రుణం / ఆస్ి ్.“Outstanding Balance” in respect of Flexible Personal Loan availed by the Borrower means the total of Drawdown Amount(s), or Fixed Period Principal, as the case may be, along with interest, fees, costs, charges, expenses and all other amounts due and payable by the Borrower to HCIN on a particular date as per terms of the Loan Summary. “చెలిెంచవలసిన బాక్స మొతత ం” రుణగ్హె ీత పª ందిన ఫ్ు ెక్్ిబుల్ పరినల్ లోన్క్ు సంబంọించి దీని అరధం రుణ స్ార్ాంశం నిబంధనల పరక్ారం ఒక్ నిర్ుిషట త్ేదీన HCINక్ు రుణగ్హె ీత చˇలిుంచవలిిన వడి డ, ఫీజులు, ḅరుులు, ఛవర్ీగలు, ḅరుులు మర్ియు వుయాలత్ో పాటల మొతి ం డరవడౌన్ మొతి ం (లు) లేదవ ఫ్క్డ్ వువọి అసలు మొతి ం, సంద్ర్ాానిన బటటి,మర్ియు చˇలిుంచవలస్్న అనిన ఇతర మొత్ి వలు.“Product” means the product, service, utility or option which is sought to be purchased/ availed by the Borrower utilising the Drawdown Amount. “ఉతితిత ” అంటే డరవడౌన్ మొత్ి వనిన ఉపయోగించి రుణగ్హె ీత క్ొనదగోలు చేయఢవనిక్్ / పª ంద్...
Loan Summary means each of the summaries required under Section 2.4 to accompany a request for approval for inclusion as an "Eligible Loan" to consist of: a written summary of the loan being funded, including a listing of collateral value, property description, location, borrower, guarantor(s), underwriting standards and borrower and guarantor(s) financial statements; and such other information as Agent shall reasonably request.
Loan Summary means the summary of certain terms of the Loan and certain requirements with respect to the Project set forth in Section 1.1 above.