lockout definition

lockout shall bear the meaning given them in the Ontario Labour Relations Act.
lockout includes the closing of a place of employment, a suspension of work or a refusal by the Employer to continue to employ a number of its employees done to compel the employees, or to aid another employer to compel its employees, to agree to terms or conditions of employment.
lockout means the temporary withholding of work from a group of employees by shutting down the operation of the employer to bring pressure upon the affected employees or the bargaining representative, or both, to accept the employer's terms of settlement of a labor dispute.

Examples of lockout in a sentence

  • The Parties will exchange lists of worksite representatives 24 hours prior to a Strike or Lockout.

  • Should the parties reach an impasse following bargaining in good faith and providing the Union Membership has voted in favor, as an alternative to Strike or Lockout, any or all unresolved bargaining demands may, by mutual agreement be submitted to resolution and binding settlement by an Arbitrator mutually agreed to by the parties or appointed by the Labour Relations Board.

  • In the event of such nullification, the parties agree to meet and attempt to negotiate substitute provisions for the provisions nullified, provided however, this process shall not result in a waiver of the No Strike or Lockout provision of this Agreement, nor shall the mater be subject to the Grievance and Arbitration provisions of this Agreement.

More Definitions of lockout

lockout shall bear the meaning given them in the Labour Relations Act, as amended.
lockout shall have the meaning given these words in the Canada Labour Code.
lockout as defined in the Ontario Labour Relations Act.
lockout means an act by the employer to prevent its employees from going to work for the purpose of resisting demands of the employees' exclusive representative or for the purpose of gaining a concession from the exclusive representative;
lockout shall be as defined in the Labour Relations Act of Ontario. Notwithstanding the foregoing, employees may strike and the Employer may lock out employees in accordance with the provisions of the Labour Relations Act of Ontario.
lockout shall bear the meaning given them in the Ontario Labour Relations Act, R.S.O. 1995 Ch. 1 (as may be amended from time to time).
lockout shall be “strike” and “lockout” as defined in the Labour Relations Act of Ontario.