Market center definition

Market center means any ex- change market maker, OTC market maker, alternative trading system, na- tional securities exchange, or national securities association.
Market center means an area where gas purchases and sales occur at the intersection of different pipelines.
Market center means a concentrated area of commercial activity, including surrounding local communities and public institutions.

Examples of Market center in a sentence

  • Market center located in the United States or Canada or a real estate agent independent contractor of a Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Realty, Inc.

  • These are categorized as countries of 'primary concern' (eight pristine Yamuna and its water in the entire region, at least from Hathnikund in Haryana, to Taj Mahal, Agra, should be least polluted.

  • Market center reports must be categorized by individual security, order type, and order size.

  • Unique Reference Point - Market Center360Arunachalam Sundaram: Calculation of Participation Based Loss Factors using … The Market center is located between each GENCO∑ () − (∑ − ∑ ) = 0 (3) participant and load center and also between each DISCO=1=1=1participant and generation center.The Market Center is defined in Figure 3 and Figure 4 are the same and hence both the figures can be merged to give Figure 5 [20, 21].

  • Market center development for agriculture products in the catchment area of certain LGs 4.

More Definitions of Market center

Market center means any Exchange, Multilateral Trading Facility (“MTF”), Electronic Communication Network (“ECN”), Alternative Trading System (“ATS”), or Market Maker, whether located in the United Kingdom or outside the United Kingdom. For the purpose of these Terms, the term Market Center includes LekUK.
Market center means a major point MMS recognizes for oil sales, refining, or transshipment. Market centers gen- erally are locations where MMS-ap- proved publications publish oil spot prices. Marketable condition means oil suffi- ciently free from impurities and other- wise in a condition a purchaser will ac- cept under a sales contract typical for the field or area. MMS-approved publication means a publication MMS approves for deter- mining ANS spot prices or WTI dif- ferentials. Netting means reducing the reported sales value to account for transpor- tation instead of reporting a transpor- tation allowance as a separate entry on Form MMS–2014.
Market center shall have the meaning given to such term in Recital B.
Market center means the buildings known as the World Trade Center, Trade Mart, Market Hall, and the International Floral and Gift Center, all as more fully described below.
Market center means a KW franchisee located in the United States or Canada.
Market center means market makers in securities, electronic communication networks relating to securities, securities exchanges or other securities trading markets other than Wit Group.