Medical Insurance Plan(s) definition
Examples of Medical Insurance Plan(s) in a sentence
Employees who waive insurance, and do not enroll in the coverage waived under the Comprehensive Major Medical Insurance Plans offered by the Waterloo Local Schools during the policy year shall be paid the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) at the end of the policy year (January 1 through December 31).
Employees currently enrolled in the VCPFA sponsored Medical Insurance Plans and employees hired after July 01, 2009 and covered by this Agreement may only participate in the VCPFA sponsored Medical Insurance Plans.
Once enrolled in a VCPFA-sponsored Medical Insurance Plan through the County’s cafeteria plan, an employee may only elect to enroll in VCPFA-sponsored Medical Insurance Plans thereafter.
Medical Insurance Plans – CalPERS Health ProgramWeb site: BLUE SHIELD ACCESS+ or PERS CHOICE or KAISER (rates effective 1/1/17-12/31/17) – Bay Area Monthly Premiums BLUE SHIELDMonthPERS CHOICEMonth Other plans may be available based upon your residence address.
One hundred (100%) percent of premiums for government operated hospital and/or Medical Insurance Plan/s, where applicable.
Services and Programs 26 Athletic Facilities 26 Car Rentals 27 The Faculty and Students Club 27 Health Services 27 Emergency Assistance 27 Health Benefits 28 Medical Insurance Plans 28 Immunization Law 29 Maternity Leave 29 Paternity Leave 30 Personal Counseling and Mental Health Care 30 Mail Room 30 Security 30 Friday Lectures 31 Tickets for Museums and Other Cultural Activities 31 Tri-Institutional Noon Recital 31 I.
The Consultant shall arrange his own Medical Insurance Plans during the Term of Contract.
SIGNATURE REQUIREMENTS In signing this form, I am stating that I understand all the provisions associated with the choice I have made, as described on this Form and in my Summary Plan Description (SPD), in electing between the Medical Insurance Plan(s) or the Benefits Waiver Allowance.
Services and Programs 51 Athletic Facilities 51 The Faculty Club 52 Health Services 52 Emergency Assistance 52 Health Benefits 52 Medical Insurance Plans 53 Immunization Law 53 Parental Leave 53 Personal Counseling and Mental Health Care 54 Mail Room 54 Security 55 Friday Lectures 55 Tickets for Museums and Other Cultural Activities 55 Tri-Institutional Noon Recital 55 I.
Once enrolled in a VCPFA sponsored Medical Insurance Plan through the County’s cafeteria plan, an employee may only elect to enroll in VCPFA sponsored Medical Insurance Plans thereafter.