Examples of Members of Cabinet in a sentence
Further, Ore Reserves are valued based on future costs and future prices and, consequently, the actual Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources may differ from those estimated, which may result in either a positive or negative effect on operations and/or Juno Minerals’ financial performance.
Members of Cabinet and Employment and Equalities Committee on 8 and 14th March 2016 (respectively) approved a revision to the local living wage of £8.25 per hour with effect of 1st April 2016 for all employees and this rate is subject to annual review.
Training on gender equality mainstreaming and its implementation, and on gender impact assessments, is to be organised on a regular basis, for Members of Cabinet, Members of Parliament, Permanent Secretaries, Directors, Heads of public entities, Assistant Directors, Head of Sections and Units, as well as for Focal Points on Gender Equality.
Fair value measurements using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) the Group engaged an independent valuer to assess the fair value of the investment property and disclosed the balance of investment property which is classified as level 3 in Note 14.
Details of these and the terms upon which they have been so allocated are contained in the Scheme of Delegation (Scheme of Allocation of Cabinet Functions to Individual Members of Cabinet).
Only Members of Cabinet will normally be entitled to be appointed onto Joint Committees establish by Cabinet, except in the following circumstances: • The Joint Committee has functions for only part of the area of the Authority and that area is smaller than two-fifths of the authority by area of population.
The delegation posed a number of questions to the Members of Cabinet, who provided an overview of the European Commission’s priorities and key developments in this regard.
Section 92 (3) (b) of the 1996 Constitution stipulates that Members of Cabinet should continuously furnish parliament with reports of matters that fall under the scope of their responsibility.
Together with Members of Cabinet he answered a number of questions from Councillors.
The Council will ensure that the relevant officers and the Members of Cabinet have appropriate skills, providing training and advisor support where there is a skills gap.8.2 Agents: Lambert Smith Hampton Investment Management (LSHIM) were appointed as the Council’s external investment advisor during 2019/20.