Minimum Load definition
Examples of Minimum Load in a sentence
Describe any constraints the Unit incurs between Minimum Load and PMax.
Except as otherwise provided in this Section 4.12, Resource-Specific System Resources shall have the same rights and obligations as other System Resources, including the ability to have Bids submitted for either full or partial output from the RSSR, provided that a Bid must be for at least the Minimum Load of the resource in order to be eligible for Bid Cost Recovery.
A COG is not eligible for recovery of Minimum Load Costs or BCR in the IFM due to the conversion of its Minimum Load Cost to an Energy Bid and its treatment by the IFM as a flexible resource.
The CAISO will adjust the RTM Energy Bid Cost, the RTM Market Revenues, and RTM Minimum Load Costs determined pursuant to Section 29.11(f)(2) by multiplying the Real-Time Performance Metric with those amounts for the applicable Settlement Interval pursuant to the rules specified in Section and its subsections, except that the CAISO will treat an EIM Base Schedule as a Day-Ahead Schedule.
Any such RUC commitment would apply to scheduled capacity in RUC in excess of the higher of: (a) the relevant Day-Ahead Schedule; or (b) the relevant Minimum Load.