Minimum Order Value definition

Minimum Order Value means the amount which indicates the minimum Goods Price for which an Order can be placed through the Bolt Food Platform. Opening Hours means the whole time period of a day during which the Partner accepts Orders and prepares Goods for pick-up by a Courier or directly by a Client (the Opening Hours indicated in the Bolt Food Platform may differ from the opening hours of the Partner’s establishment).
Minimum Order Value means the amount which indicates the minimum Goods Price for which an Order can be placed through the Bolt Food Platform. Goods means any goods that the Partner sells through the Bolt Food Platform. Goods Price means the price (VAT included) that the Client has to pay to the Partner for the ordered Goods. Opening Hours means the whole time period of a day during which the Partner accepts Orders and prepares Goods for pick-up by a Courier or directly by a Client (the Opening Hours indicated in the Bolt Food Platform may differ from the opening hours of the Partner’s establishment). Order means the order of Goods that the Client has placed with the Partner. Zamówienie oznacza zamówienie na Towar, które Xxxxxx złożył Partnerowi. Cena Zamówienia oznacza cenę, jaką Użytkownik musi zapłacić za zakup i dostawę (jeśli dotyczy) Zamówienia. Partner oznacza prowadzącego dowolną restaurację lub sklep, z którym Bolt zawarł Umowę, a w stosownych przypadkach każdy zakład, za pośrednictwem którego prowadzący prowadzi swoją działalność. Warunki Szczególne Partnera oznacza odstępstwa od Warunków Ogólnych i Załączników dotyczących Partnera, jak określono w Warunków Specjalnych. Umowa Sprzedaży oznacza umowę pomiędzy Klientem a Partnerem dotyczącą sprzedaży Towaru zgodnie z Zamówieniem. Opłaty za Usługi oznacza opłaty do zapłaty przez Partnera zgodnie z punktem 6.3. Opłata za Małe Zamówienie oznacza opłatę do zapłaty przez Klienta Partnerowi zgodnie z punktem 6,5 w celu wyrównania różnicy między Minimalną Wartością Zamówienia a Ceną Towaru z danego Zamówienia. Order Price means the price that the User has to pay for the purchase and delivery (if applicable) of the Order. Partner means the operator of any restaurant or store that Bolt has concluded an Agreement with and where relevant, each and every establishment through which the operator conducts its business. Partner Specific Conditions means the variations from the General Terms and Schedules regarding the Partner, as set out in the Special Terms. Sales Agreement means the agreement between the Client and the Partner for the sale of Goods in accordance with the Order. Service Fees means the fees payable by the Partner according to Section 6.3.
Minimum Order Value means (excluding VAT) for orders comprising:

Examples of Minimum Order Value in a sentence

  • Unless otherwise approved in writing by Seller the minimum order amount is EUR 300 (three hundred Euros), or equivalent value in other currency if applicable (Minimum Order Value), Seller may at its sole discretion accept orders below the Minimum Order Value, for which a handling fee of 30 EUR (thirty Euros), or equivalent value in other currency, will apply per order.

  • AMENDMENT AGREEMENT TO THE SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENT AGREEMENT TO THE OPTION AGREEMENT Pursuant to the Share Purchase Agreement, if the Purchaser and/or its Affiliates have not placed ship building orders with LWB for at least an aggregate value of the Minimum Order Value by 31 December 2015, the Sellers shall have the call option to request jointly from the Purchaser the re-transfer of the LWB Shares and the LIV Shares.

  • Minimum Order Fee: Yes Minimum Monetary Order Value Question Response Contractors are to detail if they have a minimum monetary order value All Orders will be Free into Store with no Minimum Order Value (MOV) however a Packaging & Handling Fee of $29.00 will apply for orders whose total value is below $350.00.

  • Question Response Agree to Standard Delivery No Times - Sydney Contractors are to detail if they have a minimum Minimum Order Value of $200.00 applies additional $45.00 shipping fee.

  • Should the order be less than the Minimum Order Value as stated on the Quotation then we reserve the right to charge Carriage as an Extra at the rate agreed on the Quotation.

More Definitions of Minimum Order Value

Minimum Order Value such minimum order value for Products as agreed in the Confirmation (or in writing by the Supplier at a later date).
Minimum Order Value means the amount which indicates the minimum Goods Price for which an Order can be placed through the Bolt Food Platform.
Minimum Order Value means the minimum order value per Product as communicated to the Customer by the Seller from time to time.
Minimum Order Value means an Order for Products where the total Order value is $1,000, exclusive of applicable taxes.
Minimum Order Value means the amount which indicates the minimum Goods Price for which an Order can be placed through the Bolt Food Platform. Мінімальна вартість замовлення означає вартість, яка відображає мінімальну Ціну Товару, за яку Замовлення може бути розміщене через платформу Bolt Food. Opening Hours means the whole time period of a day during which the Partner accepts Orders and prepares Goods for pickup by Courier or directly by Client (the Opening Hours indicated in the Bolt Food Platform may differ from the opening hours of the Partner’s establishment). Години роботи Весь часовий проміжок дня, протягом якого Xxxxxxx приймає Замовлення та готує Товар для прийняття його Кур’єром чи безпосередньо Клієнтом (Години роботи, зазначені на платформі Bolt Food, можуть відрізнятися від годин роботи самого закладу Xxxxxxxx). Order means the order of Goods that the Client has placed with the Partner. Замовлення замовлення Товару, яке Клієнт розмістив у Xxxxxxxx. Order Price means the price that the User has to pay for the purchase and delivery (if applicable) of the Order. Ціна замовлення ціна, яку Користувач повинен сплатити за придбання Товару та доставку (якщо застосовується) Замовлення. Partner means the operator of any restaurant or store that Bolt has concluded the Agreement with and where relevant, each and every establishment listed in Section (II) of the Special Terms, through which the operator conducts its business. Партнер оператор будь-якого ресторану або магазину, з яким Bolt уклав Угоду та, в тій мірі, в якій це застосовно, кожен та будь-який заклад харчування, зазначений у розділі (ІІ) Спеціальних умов, у яких оператор провадить власну діяльність. Partner Specific Conditions means the variations from the General Terms and Schedules regarding the Partner, as set out in Section 7 of the Special Terms. Спеціальні умови Партнера відхилення від Загальних Умов та Додатків щодо Xxxxxxxx, як викладено в розділі 7 Спеціальних умов. Sales Agreement means the agreement between the Client and the Partner for the sale of Goods in accordance with the Order. Договір купівлі-прод ажу договір між Клієнтом та Партнером про продаж Товару відповідно до Замовлення. Service Fees means the fees payable by the Partner according to Section 6.3 of this General Terms. Сервісний збір плата, що сплачується Партнером відповідно до розділу 6.3 цих Загальних умов. Small Order Fee means the fee payable by Client to the Partner in accordance with Section 6.5 in order to compensate the difference...
Minimum Order Value means the minimum order value set by PICKY as communicated by PICKY to the Kitchen Provider from time to time.
Minimum Order Value means the amount which indicates the minimum Goods Price for which an Order can be placed through the Bolt Food Platform. Toodete Xxxx on hind (sisaldab käibemaksu), mida Klient peab maksma Partnerile tellitud Toodete eest. Opening Hours means the whole time period of a day during which the Partner accepts Orders and prepares Goods for pick-up by a Courier or directly by a Client (the Opening Hours indicated in the Bolt Food Platform may differ from the opening hours of the Partner’s Töötunnid on kogu ajaperiood päeva xxxxxx, mil Partner võtab vastu Tellimusi ja valmistab Tooteid Kullerile või Kliendile ise järeletulemiseks (Bolti Toiduplatvormil näidatud Töötunnid võivad erineda Partneri asutuse töötundidest). establishment).