Examples of Minor improvement in a sentence
Minor improvement works have been carried out to the front parking area to make the area safe and the external oil tank building to the rear of the main building is soon to be demolished to help reduce anti-social behaviour in the area.
Village of Ossining - Northern Waterfront *1) Minor improvement of the Old Croton Aqueduct Linear Park.
IBC Section 1405.12.1 requires windows and doors to be installed in accordance with approved manufacturer’s instructions.
Minor improvement works would be carried out by the Architectural Services Department (Arch SD) with its own resources where technically feasible.
This shows that respondents perceived a positive general result in their daily activities after their participation in the training programme.CATEGORY 2: MEMORY SKILLS Table 2: Mode, median, range and distribution of answers by percentage for question 6 – 9 relating to Memory Skills Distribution of responses by percentage:1=No improvement 2= Not sure3= Minor improvement 4=Quite a bit of improvement 5= Major improvement QUESTIONSMODEMEDIANRANGE123456.
It has 5 levels:•Level I, Major innovation •Level II, Important improvement •Level III, Significant improvement •Level IV, Minor improvement •Level V, No improvement The price of the drug will be partially determined by the ASMR level.
Minor improvement program for Bondi Pavilion reviewed and implemented - Target AchievedA number of minor improvements were undertaken during the 2005/2006 financial year.
Processing baseline 03.00 will also introduce the following improvements:✓ Final fix of anomaly #24 (accuracy of technical quality mask)✓ Minor improvement of the accuracy of the resampling in the L1C grid✓ Improvement of cloud mask for high altitude terrain, see example Figure 10 below.
Beginning in the summer (June – August timeframe) prior to the fiscal year (FY) or the execution year, IA programs (including BIA regions, BIA Agencies and BIE School Operations) will engage with local-level field and program staff to validate, understand, and identify priority needs for new Major and Minor improvement and repair projects.
Net CostProperty Renewal & Repair Fund Carried Forward Carry forward into 2015/16 to cover anticipated final account Common Good Minor improvement works less than anticipated Fund draw down at year end Total cost reduced based on estimated final a/c Balance of £710.05 in LCFInterdepartmental contribution R&R draw down at year end R&R draw down at year end Delays investigating LBC works to Montrose Library.