Minor repair means a repair that involves only the clearance of stoppages, repair, or replacement of a faucet or valve or reinstallation of that same plumbing fixture and does not involve making any modifications to the plumbing system, or residential domestic water treatment and filtering equipment. Minor repair does not include any of the following:
Minor repair means a repair other than a major repair.
Minor repair means the repair or replacement of any of the following OSS components: tightline pipe between a structure and a sewage tank; tightline between a sewage tank and the dispersal component; a pump; an interceptor drain; sewage tank pumps; pump control floats; effluent filters; pipes connecting multiple sewage tanks; OSS inspection boxes and ports where a sewage tank, treatment component, or soil dispersal component does not need to be replaced; and the replacement of a small section ten (10) feet or less of the SSAS damaged as the result of digging into it as part of an OSS evaluation.
Examples of Minor repair in a sentence
Minor repair as used herein refers to any HVAC, plumbing and electrical wiring Bills/Costs up to Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars per TOWN fiscal year.
More Definitions of Minor repair
Minor repair means installation of a distribution device, diversion valve, damaged or clogged dispersal pipe, greywater system, or other minimal repair work requiring a minor repair permit as determined by the Health Officer.
Minor repair means routine work done to an existing structure, facility, use, land, and equipment, that involves mostly cosmetic work or like-to-like replacement of component parts, and that results in negligible change to or impact to land, or a natural and cultural resource.
Minor repair means the repair or replacement of any of the following existing damaged or malfunctioning OSS components except that the repair or replacement of a sewage tank, treatment component, or soil dispersal component is not considered a minor repair:
Minor repair means a repair which involves only the clearance of stoppages, repair, or replacement of a faucet, valve, reinstallation of that same plumbing fixture provided that no modifications are made to the plumbing system, or residential domestic water treatment and filtering equipment. Minor repair does not include any of the following:
Minor repair means routine repair, service, or maintenance that is recurrent, day to day, periodic scheduled or routine work required to preserve or restore a building, facility or system to working order;
Minor repair means the repair or replacement of any part of a system without relocating or extending any part of the system, except the replacement of the septic tank or sewage tank, which is considered a major modification or major repair.
Minor repair means repair or replacement of any portion of the system between the structure to the soil treatment area with the exception of repair or replacement of tank baffles and collapsed building sewer and effluent lines as depicted in the as-built drawings on record at EPCPH.