Examples of National Officers in a sentence
National Sport Chairs can be removed for cause by a majority vote of the National Officers, subject to the Right of Appeal to the National Board of Review.
For the purposes of this Clause C of this Rule, the full-time Officers of the Union and of any Branch thereof shall be the holders of any of the offices of National Officers or Branch Officers where the duties of such office are of a full-time nature; and, D.
The National Executive shall consist of the National Officers and the Branch Secretary of each Branch.
The quorum at any meeting of National Council shall be eight excluding the National Officers but including delegates from at least three Branches.
The National Officers shall be ex-officio members of any committee or sub-committee of the National Council or National Executive.
The National Officers of the Union are delegates to all Regional Councils and the Quebec Council.
National Sports Chairs shall be elected National Sport Committee at the committee meeting during National Conventions in which National Officers are elected.
National Sport Chair may be removed for cause by a majority vote of the National Officers, subject to the Right of Appeal to the National Board of Review.
Any allegations of misconduct about National Officers are dealt with under rule 28.
This rule does not confer authority on the National Officers named is sub-rule (c), but only regulates the means by which authority conferred by other rules on those officers may be exercised.