Natural Community definition

Natural Community means a community that is dominated by native plant species as described in the Florida Natural Areas Inventory publication, “Guide to the Natural Communities of Florida.” A Natural Community generally possesses the following characteristics: the plant species composition includes most of the more common species typical of that natural community type; the community may contain small areas of exotic or invasive plants that could be easily controlled by prescribed burning or other forms of management; evidence of historical disturbance may be present but disturbance has not destroyed or prevented the re-establishment of a mature natural community type; and, the community is not substantially disturbed by recent human activities, except for such disturbance as low intensity forestry activities that allow the natural community to recover to previous conditions.
Natural Community means wildlife, flora, fauna, soil and air-dwelling and aquatic organisms, as well as humans and human communities that have established sustainable interdependencies within a diverse matrix of organisms, within a natural ecosystem.
Natural Community means a recurring assemblage of plants and animals found in particular physical environments as classified in the New Hampshire Natural Heritage Bureau publication Natural Communities of New Hampshire. Rare natural communities are those ranked S1 (critically imperiled), S2 (imperiled) or S3 (very rare and local).

Examples of Natural Community in a sentence

  • The Project Site and its vicinity are not part of any draft or adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional or state habitat conservation plan.

  • The project will not conflict with a Habitat Conservation Plan, a Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other locally approved conservation plans.

  • The proposed project is not located in an area covered by a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) or a Natural Community Conservation Plan (NCCP).

  • In San Diego, Orange and Riverside counties, the state's Natural Community Conservation Planning (NCCP) pilot program involving local, state, and federal partners is helping to protect the coastal sage scrub habitat of the threatened California gnatcatcher.

  • Development of the project site as proposed would not conflict with any adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan, as none exist that affect the area.

More Definitions of Natural Community

Natural Community means a complex of flora, fauna and physical elements which is in, or close to being in, its pre−settle- ment condition.
Natural Community means a distinct, identifiable, and recurring association of plants and animals that are ecologically interrelated.
Natural Community. . means aA distinctive assemblage of plant species that live
Natural Community means an interactive assemblage of organisms, their physical environment, and the natural processes that affect them.
Natural Community means wild- life, flora, fauna, soil and air-dwelling and aquatic organisms, as well as humans and human commu- nities that have established sustainable interdepen- dencies within a diverse matrix of organisms, within a natural ecosystem.
Natural Community means a distinctive assemblage of plant species that live together and are linked by their effects on one another and their environment, and which present a characteristic appearance based on size, shape, and spacing that is reflective of the effects of local climate, soil, water, disturbance, and other environmental factors.
Natural Community means a recurring assemblage of plants and animals found in particular physical environments as classified in the New Hampshire Natural Heritage Bureau publication Natural Communities of New Hampshire. Rare natural communities are those ranked S1 (critically imperiled), S2 (imperiled) or S3 (very rare and local). Exemplary natural communities are rare natural community types and high quality examples of more common community types, as determined by the NH Natural Heritage Bureau.