Naturalized Area definition
Examples of Naturalized Area in a sentence
This By-law does not apply to a Wildflower Meadow or Naturalized Area provided that those areas are managed in accordance with the Weed Control Act, R.S.O 1990, c.
Therefore, it is Public Work’s recommendation that the Committee of the Whole take action to move this matter forward to the Village Board for approval of the Naturalized Area Ecological Management (2024-2025) Trails of Woods Creek Agreement to V3 Companies for $196,573.70 It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.
Naturalized Area Maintenance The landscape in these areas (follow this web link: Grounds Department Mowing Map) has been designed to increase environmental benefits and to reflect the university’s campus‐wide sustainability goals.
Naturalized Area: Definition, Exemption, Online Resources A Naturalized Area definition and exemption in the Bylaw would support residents to engage in genuine ecological restoration activities without fear of triggering bylaw notices.