Unit of general local government definition

Unit of general local government has the meaning given to that term in section 102(a)(1) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5302(a)(1)). Unserved and underserved households or businesses means one or more households or businesses that are not currently served by a wireline connection that reliably delivers at least 25 Mbps download speed and 3 Mbps of upload speed.
Unit of general local government means a county or city.
Unit of general local government means any city, county, parish, town, township, village, or other general pur- pose political subdivision of a state. The term does not include special pur- pose units of government, such as school districts or water districts.

Examples of Unit of general local government in a sentence

  • For purposes of this subpart: Locality means the community, neighborhood, or jurisdiction of the unit of general local government, or Indian tribal government; Unit of general local government means a county or parish, city, town, township, or other political subdivision of a State.

  • The Promise Zone application must affirmatively demonstrate support from all mayors or chief executives of UGLGs that include any geographical area within the proposed Promise Zone boundary, subject to the following conditions:‌ 4 Unit of general local government as defined in section 102(a)(1) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5302(a)(1)).

  • An agency of the State government designated by the Governor or by State law to carry out the requirements of this, subpart.(g) Unit of general local government.

  • Unit of general local government; State The terms “unit of general local government” and “State” have the same meanings as in section 5302(a) of title 42.

  • For purposes of this subpart: Locality means the community, neighborhood, or jurisdiction of the unit of general local government, or Indian tribal government; Unit of general local government means a county or parish, city, town, township, or other political subdivision of a state.

More Definitions of Unit of general local government

Unit of general local government means any county, municipality or other general purpose political subdivision of this State;
Unit of general local government. ’ means any city, county, town, parish, village, or other general-purpose political subdivision of a State.
Unit of general local government means a city where the city is independent of any other unit of general local government, that:
Unit of general local government means any
Unit of general local government means any general purpose political subdivision of the state that has the power to levy taxes and spend funds, as well as general corporate and police powers;
Unit of general local government means any city, county, town, township, parish, village, or other general purpose political subdivision of a State orCommonwealth of the United States, or general purpose subdivision thereof,and the District of Columbia.§ 1806.104 Waiver authority.The Fund may waive any requirement of this part that is not required by law,upon a determination of good cause. Each such waiver shall be in writing and supported by a statement of the facts and grounds forming the basis of the waiver. For a waiver in anyindividual case, the Fund mustdetermine that application of the requirement to be waived wouldadversely affect the achievement of the purposes of the Act. For waivers ofgeneral applicability, the Fund willpublish notice of granted waivers in theFederal Register .§ 1806.105 OMB control number.The collection of informationrequirements in this part have beenapproved by the Office of Management and Budget and assigned OMB controlnumber 1505–0153 (expires September 30, 1998).Subpart B—Awards§ 1806.200 Community eligibility and designation.(a) General. If an Applicant proposes to carry out Eligible DevelopmentActivities, or Equity Investments thatsupport efforts of a CDFI in a Distressed Community, the Applicant shalldesignate one or more DistressedCommunities in which it proposes to carry out those activities.(b) Minimum area eligibilityrequirements. A Distressed Community must meet the minimum area eligibility requirements contained in thisparagraph.
Unit of general local government. (UGLG) – The local governmental entity (or entities) of which the Chief Executive submitted a letter(s) of support in the Promise Zone application. This support rendered the Promise Zone eligible for designation pursuant to the application guide used in the round of competition in which this Promise Zone was designated. Participating Federal Agencies (federal agencies) – Subject to change, agencies contributing to the Promise Zones effort include: The Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Agriculture; Department of Health and Human Services; Department of Education; Department of Labor; Small Business Administration; Environmental Protection Agency; Department of Commerce; Department of Treasury; National Endowment for the Arts; Corporation for National and Community Service; Department of Transportation; and Department of Justice.