Net Billing definition

Net Billing means the difference, over the Billing Period, between the Energy Payment and the Retail Billing Amount.
Net Billing means a billing method for an eligible distributed generation facility whereby the net metering interval is equal to a monthly billing period, and a distributed generation customer makes payment and is credited as provided in subsection 3, paragraph “a”.
Net Billing means a single bi-directional energy meter used for net billing or net feed-in at the point of supply where in the energy imported from the grid and energy exported from the grid interactive solar photovoltaic system of a prosumer are valued at two different tariff.

Examples of Net Billing in a sentence

  • The billing services provided by the Billing Company to the Earning Company with respect to Alternately Billed Calls shall be subject to the applicable charges set forth in Attachment A, which charges will be reflected in the Inter-Company Net Billing Statement.

  • The Billing Company shall also submit copies of these Message Records to BA-__, at least once a month, in order to determine monthly settlement amounts for both the Billing Company and the Earning Company which will be reflected in the Inter-Company Net Billing Statement.

  • Upon receipt of the Inter-Company Net Billing Statement from BA-__, Carrier shall, within thirty (30) days of invoice, remit to BA-__ full payment of amounts owed under the Inter-Company Net Billing Statement.

  • In addition, as applicable, the Inter-Company Net Billing Statement will reflect any amounts owed by Carrier to BA-__ for administering and processing ITORP.

  • The calculated amount will be included as an adjustment for lost or destroyed tapes in the next Inter-Company Net Billing Statement.

More Definitions of Net Billing

Net Billing is as outlined in the Electricity Sector Guidelines.
Net Billing means the process of measuring, during the Billing Period, any metered excess kilowatt-hours of electric energy (kWh) delivered to the Cooperative at a single specified service metering point by the Cooperative’s retail meter when an EREGF is owned by the eligible member and is connected to and operating on the member’s low-voltage electric premises wiring associated with the specified single metering point.
Net Billing means an arrangement as defined under Regulation 17 of these Regulations;
Net Billing means a system of billing a customer who installs an Eligible Renewable Energy Resource generator on the customer’s premises for retail electricity purchased at retail rates while crediting the customer’s bill for any customer-generated electricity sold to the Affected Utility at avoided cost.
Net Billing means an arrangement under which energy generated by the Renewable Energy Generating system is purchased by the Distribution Licensee and the Distribution Licensee raises the bills on the consumer for his consumption at the approved retail supply tariff, after giving credit for total generated electricity at the applicable Tariff;
Net Billing means a distributed generation regime that allows a person to sell all the electricity produced by him or her at a regulated rate and to purchase the electricity that such person consumes at another regulated rate and as prescribed;
Net Billing means the monthly bill that the EDU renders to the customer of a distributed generation facility that nets the bill for the amount of the electricity consumed, net of that generation consumed internally, from the EDU against the bill for the amount of electricity delivered to the grid for the billing period.