Energy Meter definition

Energy Meter means a meter capable of measuring and recording energy on a kWh basis.
Energy Meter means an assembly consisting of a flow meter, two temperature sensors and a calculator that measures the amount of Energy consumed by a Customer in kWh;
Energy Meter means a meter that meets the specifications set out in RD06, to measure the transfer of energy. Owner – means owner of the Unit Party – means the Customer or the Billing Service Provider as the case may be. Resolution – Executive Council Resolution 6 of 2021, Regulating the Provision of District Cooling Services in the Emirate of Dubai. RD02 – means the RSB’s Regulatory Document RD02: RD06 – means the RSB’s Regulatory Document RD06: Metering, Billing and Charges, as amended from time to time and published on its website. RSB – means the Regulatory and Supervisory Bureau for the Electricity and Water Sector in Dubai.

Examples of Energy Meter in a sentence

  • Energy Meter shall have test output, accessible from the front, and be capable of being monitored with suitable testing equipment while in operation at site.

  • The Reactive Energy Demand values shall be calculated using a formula involving the PARh Meter and the associated Active Energy Meter Demand Values.

  • Comprehensive testing is carried out at various stages of product manufacturing starting from incoming raw material/components to in-process stages and to the final finished and packed product In-House NABL Accredited Electronic Energy Meter Testing Laboratories A series of reliability tests are conducted periodically both on in-house reliability chambers and from NABL approved outside test labs, to establish a satisfactory life of the product in the hands of the customer.

  • The Static Energy Meter shall be suitable for satisfactorily working under the following climatic conditions: 1.Max.

  • The Contractor will be responsible for maintenance and calibration of such Energy Meter also.

More Definitions of Energy Meter

Energy Meter means an Electricity Meter or a Gas Meter.
Energy Meter. - shall mean the metering devices that measure electricity by integrating the power regarding the respective time.
Energy Meter means a meter that measures a Customer’s energy consumption
Energy Meter means an assembly consisting of a flow meter, two temperature sensors, and a calculator that measures the amount of energy consumed by a customer; (m)“energy transfer station” means equipment used to transfer energy between the delivery point and the building mechanical system in a building, and includes pipes for the supply and return of water, valves, controls, energy meters, heat pumps, pumps, heat exchangers, backup heat sources, storage tanks, and ancillary equipment located inside the energy transfer station mechanical room; (n) “owner” means the person registered under the Land Titles Act as owner in fee simple, a lessee, or any person who exercises the power and authority of ownership; (o) “premises” means a parcel of land and any buildings situated on that land; (p) “rates” means, collectively, the, fixed monthly charge and variable consumption charge specified in Schedule B- Fees and Charges for services; (q) “service area” means the area within the municipal boundaries of the City of Edmonton as delineated in Schedule A - Service Area; (r) “service” means the delivery of energy from and through the DESS to a delivery point and through an energy meter for use in a building, and any service provided inconnection with the DESS, including but not limited to providing a service connection, re-activating existing service connections, transferring an existing account, changing the type of service provided, or making alterations to existing service connections, energy transfer stations, and energy meters; (s) “service connection” means that portion of the DESS extending from the distribution system to the delivery point as outlined in the DESS service requirements. RULES FOR INTERPRETATION3 The marginal notes and headings in this bylaw are for reference purpose only.
Energy Meter means a meter that meets the specifications set out in RD06, to measure the transfer of energy. Owner – means owner of the Unit Party – means the Customer or the Billing Service Provider as the case may be. Resolution – Executive Council Resolution 6 of 2021, Regulating the Provision of District Cooling Services in the Emirate of Dubai. RD02 – means the RSB’s Regulatory Document RD02: Handling Customers in arrears. RD05 – means the RSB’s Regulatory Document RD05: Requirements for a Customer Service Charter. RD06 – means the RSB’s Regulatory Document RD06: Metering, Billing and Charges, as amended from time to time and published on its website. RSB – means the Regulatory and Supervisory Bureau for the Electricity and Water Sector in Dubai.
Energy Meter means an equipment installed for the purpose of showing the units of electricity consumed.
Energy Meter means a meter (including, but not limited to, the relevant MPAN and/or MPRN meter at the Property) capable of measuring the amount of Energy consumed at a Property, whether as a Smart Meter or a non-Smart Meter.