Examples of New Conditions in a sentence
Client, in consultation with PAUSTIF, may choose to reject (not authorize) the modified Scope of Work and associated cost estimate to address the New Condition(s) prepared and submitted by Consultant.
Decline the Client’s request to prepare a Modified Scope of Work and associated cost estimate to address the New Condition(s), or the Consultant may fail to submit the documents within thirty (30) days.
Request a modified Scope of Work and associated cost estimate from Consultant to address the New Condition(s) for Client’s and the PAUSTIF’s review.
Condition No. 5(5(ii)) read with condition No. 5(6) of New Conditions for concessions under the PVAT Act 2005 and the PGST (D&E) Rules, 1991 provides that a taxable person purchasing goods from an exempted unit shall utilize the permissible NITC against the output tax liability arising out of sale of such goods only and in case of interstate sale, the taxable person shall be entitled for ITC only up to the limit of liability of CST paid.
Clause (ii) of Sub condition (5) of condition No.5 of New Conditions for Concessions under the Punjab VAT Act, 2005 provides that Notional Input Tax Credit (NITC) of four per cent can be utilized by the taxable person, purchasing goods from an exempted unit for discharging its output liability under CST Act, 1956 if the goods are sold by way of inter-state sales.