Examples of New for old in a sentence
If the Insurer repairs, reinstates or replaces the Item(s), it will not be bound to do so exactly but only as circumstances permit and in a reasonably sufficient manner and will not expend more than the Market Value on any Item(s) (unless New for Old cover applies).
If The Insurer repairs, reinstates or replaces the Item(s), it will not be bound to do so exactly but only as circumstances permit and in a reasonably sufficient manner and will not expend more than the Market Value on any Item(s) (unless New for Old cover applies).
COVER - Section 5 New for Old Replacement Following an Insured Event, if the total cost of the repairs to the Insured Item(s) is (are) likely to exceed 60% of the list price of a new Item(s) of a similar make and model, a new Item(s) will be provided instead of repairs, or the Insurer may (at its option) offer a cash settlement representing the discounted price for which a replacement Item(s) of similar make and model can be obtained.
Food and beverages are not allowed in classroom spaces with interactive technology.
If the Insured person takes the option under their Motor Insurance Policy to have the Vehicle replaced New for Old following the agreed Total Loss of the Vehicle covered hereunder (the balance of the cover hereunder will on request be transferred to the replacement Vehicle).
Subject to the policy being on a New for Old basis, the television will be replaced with a new television.
New for OldIf Your Schedule shows that You have selected claims settlement on a New for Old basis the following applies to Your Policy: If the Home is lost or damaged beyond economical repair, We will settle on a New for Old basis.Alternatively, should a cash settlement be required We will arrange a cash settlement based on the current Market Value at the time of the loss.
COVER - Section 5 New for Old Replacement Following a total loss claim, if the total cost of the repairs to the Insured Item(s) is (are) likely to exceed 60% of the list price of a new Item(s) of a similar make and model, a new Item(s) will be provided instead of repairs, or The Insurer may (at its option) offer a cash settlement representing the discounted price for which a replacement Item(s) of similar make and model can be obtained.
New for Old If Your schedule shows that You have selected claims settlement on a New for Old basis the following applies to Your policy:If the Home is lost or damaged beyond economical repair, We will settle on a New for Old basis.
COVER - New for Old Replacement Following an Insured Event, if the total cost of the repairs to the Insured Item(s) is (are) likely to exceed 60% of the list price of a new Item(s) of a similar make and model, a new Item(s) will be provided instead of repairs, or the Insurer may (at its option) offer a cash settlement representing the discounted price for which a replacement Item(s) of similar make and model can be obtained.