INSURANCE PROTECTION. A. The Board shall provide MESSA Plan 1 or Plan 2 described below by making payment of insurance premiums for a full twelve (12) month period each year of this Agreement for the teacher and his/her eligible dependents as defined by MESSA, subject to the provisions below.
B. Each teacher shall elect either Plan 1 or Plan 2, provided, however, that if a husband and wife are both members of the bargaining unit, one shall select Plan 1 and the other Plan 2. Part-time teachers shall receive the Plan 1 premium rate on a pro rata basis (e.g., a teacher employed for three days per week will receive three-fifths of the premium rate due to a full-time teacher eligible for the same coverage). Those part-time Teacher electing Plan 1 shall pay the difference between the prorated amount and the full cost of the appropriate health insurance by direct payment or payroll deduction.
C. The employer shall pay 80% of the total cost of the MESSA medical premium and deductible. 100% of the non-medical benefits. Additionally, the Board agrees to maintain this 80/20 cost-sharing provision during the life of this Agreement. Employees shall contribute 20% of the medical premium and the annual deductible. Employer shall fund 100% of the MESSA ABC Plan 1 annual deductible (minus the employees 20% contribution) to the employees’ Health Equity (HEQ) Health Savings Account (HSA) for each plan year. Deposits would be made in quarterly installments beginning on January 1, then April 1, then July 1, and the last installment on October 1 of each year. The District will fund the balance of the deductible due ahead of schedule for any member who incurs significant medical claims prior to receiving all four quarterly deposits. For teachers hired after January 1, the Employer will fund a percentage of the MESSA ABC Plan I annual deductible to the employees’ Health Equity” (HEQ) Health Savings Account (HSA) for each plan year equal to the percentage of the calendar year they work. Employee contributions shall be payroll deducted. Payments will start with the first pay date after the open enrollment period ends. The annual payment amount will be distributed equally throughout the remainder of the payroll dates for the school year through a qualified Section 125 plan and shall not be subject to withholding. The Employer’s qualified Section 125 plan shall include any and all of the provisions necessary for pre-tax contributions to employees’ HSA accounts. In the event an employee is not qualified f...
INSURANCE PROTECTION. Insurance protection for employees travelling on work related business is provided in accordance with the DHB’s insurance policy. The provisions of the insurance policy are available through the Human Resources department.
INSURANCE PROTECTION. The Board agrees to pay the premium cost of insurance coverage as set forth below:
A. All teachers shall make proper application with the Business Office regarding initial coverage and any and all changes in such coverage.
B. Upon receipt of written application by the District, the Board shall provide to the employee a choice of the following MESSA PAK programs: LTD - 66 2/3% Max. Mon. Salary $5,250 5% Minimum Payout $4,500 Maximum Monthly Income 90 Calendar days modified fill Pre-Existing Condition Waiver Alcohol/Drug - 2 yr limitation Mental/Nervous - 2 yr limitation Primary Social Security Offset Maternity Coverage, Rehabilitation Benefits 2 year Own Occupation Freeze on Offsets No Survivor Income No Educational Supplement 2 Year Own Occupation Life - $45,000 Negotiated Life with AD & D Vision - VSP 2 Silver Plan year is July to July Delta Dental - 80/80/80/80 - Class I, II & III Max $1,500. Class IV - $1,500. Lifetime Max LTD - 66 2/3% Max. Mon. Salary $5,250 5% Minimum Payout $4,500 Maximum Monthly Income 90 Calendar days modified fill Pre-Existing Condition Waiver Alcohol/Drug - 2 yr limitation Mental/Nervous - 2 yr limitation Primary Social Security Offset Maternity Coverage, Rehabilitation Benefits 2 year Own Occupation Freeze on Offsets No Survivor Income No Educational Supplement 2 Year Own Occupation Life - $50,000 Negotiated Life with AD & D Vision - VSP 3 Gold Plan year is July to July Delta Dental - 90/90/90 - Class I, II & III Max $1,500.; 80 Class IV - $1,500. Lifetime Max Insurance protection shall be for a full twelve (12) month period for the teacher and his/her entire family. The employer shall sign an Employer participation agreement. In addition to XXXXX-XXX, the Board will provide without cost to the teacher health coverage for sponsored dependents as defined by MESSA for a full twelve (12) month period. Teachers not electing XXXXX-XXX Plan A will select MESSA-Plan B. Effective the date of the insurance change, teachers choosing Plan B will receive $100.00 per month toward an annuity of their choice from the board approved list of annuities. In subsequent years, teachers choosing Plan B will receive the $100.00 per month effective at the conclusion of the open enrollment period. If 24 or more teachers choose Plan B, teachers will receive $300.00 per month toward an annuity of their choice from the board approved list of annuities. OptionAll by MESSA will be purchased, at Association member expense, to insure that insurance and other ...
INSURANCE PROTECTION a. The Board will offer employees the choice of three different health insurance plans or the equivalent, all of which shall include major medical, prescription, and dental coverage.
b. The Board will pay the premium for all health and insurance benefits, subject to employee percentage contributions toward premiums, as outlined on the chart below. Dependents of employees will be insured in accordance with the terms of the insurance policy in effect.
c. Only employees whose regular assignment is sixty (60%) percent of a fulltime employee's workweek will receive the full benefits provided as set forth in the chart above.
d. A retiring employee has the option of remaining in the group insurance plan until age 65 with all premiums for this coverage being borne by the employee.
e. Employees on leave without pay or who retires shall have the privilege of being covered under the group plans upon payment of the appropriate premiums and with the consent of the specific insurance company involved.
f. The Board agrees to notify employees 30 calendar days prior to a change of insurance carrier and allow employees to review the plan. Employees shall have 30 calendar days after the receipt of documentation to review the plan. Voluntary Waiver of Benefits
a. There shall be a voluntary waiver incentive plan for the health/hospitalization, prescription and dental insurances provided in this Agreement. An incentive payment, not to exceed $5000, will be made to the employee in the amount of 25% of the relevant premium, minus employee contribution, that the Board would have been required to pay if the employee had not waived coverage. The waiver period shall be July 1 through June 30. The payment will be made in two installments per year, one in December and one in June.
b. Employees eligible to waive insurances are employees who are eligible to receive any enrollment level above single for health/hospitalization insurance or are eligible to receive any enrollment level for prescription and dental insurance.
c. An employee may waive one, two or all three insurances.
d. An employee who has no other health/hospitalization coverage may not waive the health/hospitalization coverage. An employee waiving health/hospitalization coverage must provide proof of alternative coverage or the waiver will not be allowed.
e. An employee who waives coverage may re-enroll at the open enrollment periods, subject to carrier rules. The only exception is that if a spouse’s health/hospitalization c...
INSURANCE PROTECTION. The Board shall pay the full cost for group term life insurance protection equal to a teacher's base salary (to the nearest thousand), with a minimum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to be paid to the teacher’s designated beneficiary upon death and, in the event of accidental death, a sum not less than two (2) times that amount.
INSURANCE PROTECTION. Insurance protection for employees travelling on work related business is provided in accordance with the employers insurance policy. The provisions of the insurance policy are available through the Human Resources department.
INSURANCE PROTECTION. Insurance protection for midwives travelling on work related business is provided in accordance with the DHBs insurance policy. The provisions of the insurance policy are available through the Human Resources department.
INSURANCE PROTECTION. Pursuant to the authority set forth in Section 617 of the School Code of 1965, as amended, the Board agrees to furnish to all employees covered by this Agreement the following insurance protection paid for by the Board of Education.
Section 24.01 The Board shall provide an amount of forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) in group term life insurance, plus forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) AD&D for each employee in the Bargaining Unit.
Section 24.02 The District will contribute ninety percent (90%) of the hard cap limits (through PA 152) for Medical, Dental, and Vision Plans, and maintain the medical benefit plan coverage year at July 1 to June 30. The Association may select other products annually for the duration of this contract. Should the premium cost of the CDHP/HSA plan fall under ninety percent (90%) of the State hard cap rates, the District will pay the difference in premium cost and harp cap contribution to the employee through a HSA contribution made in equal monthly deposits if enrolled in the CDHP/HSA plan. The annual Employer paid amounts shall adjust at the beginning of each plan year (July 1 through June 30), at 90% of the maximum State Hard Cap permitted by Section 3 of the Publicly Funded Health Insurance Contribution Act (PA 152). Any premium or deductible for the HSA Plan, above the ninety percent (90%) of Hard Cap, will be the responsibility of the employee and will be contributed through payroll deduction in equal bi-weekly amounts from the employee’s paycheck through a qualified Section 125 Plan and, as such, will not be subject to withholding. The employer’s “qualified Section 125 Plan” shall include any and all of the provisions necessary for pre-tax contributions to employee’s HSA accounts administered through HEQ. Employees may contribute, through payroll deduction and electronic transfer, additional money towards their HSA, up to the maximum amounts allowed by Federal Law. If selected, employees who enroll in a BCBS Simply Blue PPO Medical plan shall have the employer’s contribution paid towards the medical plan premium, and the Dental and Vision plans (as outlined above). If selected, employees who enroll in a BCBS Simply Blue HSA plan shall have the employer’s contribution paid as outlined above. Employees may contribute, through payroll deduction and electronic transfer, additional money towards their HSA, up to the maximum amounts allowed by federal law. For the medical benefit plan coverage year, employees shall have the ...
INSURANCE PROTECTION. Full Health Care Coverage The Board shall provide fully paid health insurance protection for all full-time members of the Association and their dependents, at no cost to the employee, under the School Employees Health Benefits Program ("SEFIBP.”) and/or adhere to the State of New Jersey Pension and Health Benefits Reform: The Educators' Health Benefits Fairness Act [July 1, 2020]; Chapter 44 (NJEBP). New hires as of the effective date of the Act will be placed in the Educators' Health Plan. New members and existing members choosing the NJEBP will make contributions to be calculated as defined in the law. Existing employees who choose to remain in the traditional New Jersey Direct 10 or New Jersey Direct 15 health plans will have their contributions calculated at the Chapter 78 tier 4 percentages as modified in the Collective Negotiated Agreement in Part B. An employee who has filed a waiver prior to May 21, 2010, who has continuously waived coverage in any health plan (medical, dental, or prescription) since the effective date of the law, shall receive thirty percent (30%) of the amount saved by the Board of that Plan. Employees hired on or after May 21, 2010 shall receive twenty-five percent (25%) of the amount saved by the Board or $5,000.00, whichever is less [P.L. 2010, c.2]. The payment for the buyout option will be paid on December 15th and June 15th. An employee whose spouse also works in the district will receive only one (1) prescription per couple. Provisions of Coverage: Dental and Prescription Coverage: The Board agrees to provide Dental and Prescription coverage for members of the Association and their dependents. The Dental deductible will be $100 and the Prescription Co- pays shall be in accordance with the School Employees Health Benefits Plan (SEHBP). The Board agrees to payment of the full costs of the dental and prescription insurance for the duration of this contract. The parties may meet during the term of this Agreement to determine whether or not to modify the coverages for the dental and prescription program now in effect. Dental coverage benefit maximum shall be $2,000 per calendar year. All employees hired on or after July 1, 1994 will have a contribution which will be equal to one month's premium. Employees who select PPO or HMO will have contributions waived Unit members that retire from the district with twenty-five (25) years or more of service shall be entitled to dental coverage for the member and the member’s spouse. Such e...
INSURANCE PROTECTION. The Process is as follows: Employees will be placed on Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) if qualified for the first (60) sixty workdays or (12 weeks). Following the end of the FMLA leave, the Employee will make application for Long-Term Disability (LTD) benefits and/or disability retirement. If the Employee does not qualify for either program, the Employee’s insurance benefits will continue for a maximum of eighteen (18 months). The LTD carrier will counsel Employees who are unable to return to work regarding eligibility requirements for State of Michigan disability retirement disability benefits three months before benefits expire.