New Product means the Synology-branded hardware product and Synology-branded accessories contained in the original packaging Customer bought from an authorized Synology distributor or reseller. You may see our “New Product” at Product Support Status.
Product Candidate means each biological and drug candidate, compound or other device or product being developed, labeled, manufactured, marketed, sold and/or distributed by the Company or a Company Subsidiary, or regarding which the Company or a Company has rights, and including any such biological and drug candidate, compound or product that has received Marketing Approval.
Drug Product means a specific drug in dosage form from a known source of manufacture, whether
Finished Product means a cannabis product in its final form to be sold at a retail premises.
Non-Microsoft Product means any third-party-branded software, data, service, website or product, unless incorporated by Microsoft in a Product.
NDA means a New Drug Application, as defined in the U.S. Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and the regulations promulgated thereunder, or any corresponding foreign application, registration or certification.
Collaboration Compound means any of the following: (a) FG-4592, (b) any HIF Compound (other than FG-4592) that is added to this Agreement pursuant to Section 3.6, and (c) any salts, esters, complexes, chelates, crystalline and amorphous morphic forms, pegylated forms, enantiomers (excluding regioisomers), prodrugs, solvates, metabolites and catabolites of any of the foregoing ((a) or (b)).
Collaboration Product means any pharmaceutical product in finished form that contains a Collaboration Compound, either as the sole active ingredient or in combination with one or more other active ingredients, and all present and future formulations, dosages and dosage forms thereof.
New Products means any product which is not an Enhanced Product or Existing Product but which is substantially similar to an of this Agreement, "New Product" or "New Products" shall mean any product which is not an Enhanced Product or 2 Existing Product but which is substantially similar to an Existing Product with respect to design and function and possesses reasonable performance improvements. If Company desires to purchase an Enhanced or New Product(s) from Supplier, Company shall so notify Supplier and provide Supplier the opportunity to manufacture such Enhanced or New Product(s), subject to the following conditions and procedures.
Aerosol Product means a pressurized spray system that dispenses product ingredients by means of a propellant contained in a product or a product's container, or by means of a mechanically induced force. “Aerosol Product” does not include “Pump Spray.”
ANDA means Abbreviated New Drug Application.
Product Labeling means (a) the full prescribing information for the Product approved by the applicable Regulatory Authority, and (b) all labels and other written, printed or graphic information included in or placed upon any container, wrapper or package insert used with or for the Product.
Drug Substance means an active ingredient that is intended to furnish pharmacological activity or other direct effect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease or to affect the structure or any function of the human body, but does not include intermediates used in the synthesis of such ingredient.
Product Schedule means a product schedule documenting the specific terms and conditions applying to a Product as may be amended, updated or replaced from time to time (and includes any Electronic Platform Schedules);
Tobacco product manufacturer means an entity that after the date of enactment of this act directly (and not exclusively through any affiliate) meets 1 or more of the following:
Milk product or "dairy product" means cottage cheese, dry curd cottage cheese, reduced fat cottage cheese, lowfat cottage cheese, cream, light cream, light whipping cream, heavy cream, heavy whipping cream, whipped cream, whipped light cream, sour cream, acidified sour cream, cultured sour cream, half-and-half, sour half-and-half, acidified sour half-and-half, cultured sour half-and-half, reconstituted or recombined milk and milk products, concentrated milk, concentrated milk products, skim milk, lowfat milk, frozen milk concentrate, flavored milk, eggnog, buttermilk, cultured milk, cultured lowfat milk, cultured skim milk, yogurt, lowfat yogurt, nonfat yogurt, acidified milk, acidified lowfat milk, acidified skim milk, low-sodium milk, low-sodium lowfat milk, low-sodium skim milk, lactose-reduced milk, lactose-reduced lowfat milk, lactose-reduced skim milk, aseptically processed and packaged milk, milk products with added safe and suitable microbial organisms, and any other milk product made by the addition or subtraction of milkfat or addition of safe and suitable optional ingredients for protein, vitamin, or mineral fortification. Unless a product is considered a milk product under this subdivision, milk product does not include dietary products, infant formula, ice cream or other desserts, cheese, or butter. Milk products include the following:
Covered Product The consumer product that You purchased concurrently with and is covered by this Agreement.
KPI Target means the acceptable performance level for a KPI as set out in relation to each KPI;
Hemp product means the same as that term is defined in § 3.2-4112.
Edible cannabis product means cannabis product that is intended to be used, in whole or in part, for human consumption, including, but not limited to, chewing gum, but excluding products set forth in Division 15 (commencing with Section 32501) of the Food and Agricultural Code. An edible cannabis product is not considered food, as defined by Section 109935 of the Health and Safety Code, or a drug, as defined by Section 109925 of the Health and Safety Code.
Licensed Compound means a TAK-385 Licensed Compound or a TAK-448 Licensed Compound.
Nicotine product means the same as that term is defined in Section 76-10-101.
Product Specification means the document referred to in:
Licensed Product means any pharmaceutical product containing a Licensed Compound (alone or with other active ingredients), in all forms, presentations, formulations and dosage forms.
Product Specific Terms means the terms applicable to a specific item of Licensed Software as set out in Schedule 2;
Product Specifications means the specifications, features and/or terms of any "Contract" (as defined in the LME Rules) listed for trading on the LME, as described in the LME Rules;