Examples of No Surprises in a sentence
Also, the incidental take statement in a section 7 biological opinion does not provide a "No Surprises assurances" guarantee.
The purpose of the No Surprises Rule is to provide assurances to non-Federal landowners participating in habitat conservation planning under the ESA that no additional land restrictions or financial compensation will be required for species adequately covered by a properly implemented HCP, in light of unforeseen circumstances, without the consent of the permittee.
NOTE: The revisions to Your Plan made by this Amendment are based upon the No Surprises Act, a federal law enacted in 2020 and effective for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2022.
The purpose of the No Surprises Rule is to provide assurances to non-Federal landowners participating in habitat conservation planning under the Act that no additional land restrictions or financial compensation will be required for species adequately covered by a properly implemented HCP, in light of unforeseen circumstances, without the consent of the permittee.
Rescissions and certain determinations that involve whether we complied with the surprise billing requirements and cost-protections of the No Surprises Act.