Not Met definition

Not Met means nothing was achieved
Not Met means that the Bidder does not accept the provision exactly as drafted, without qualification. If the Bidder does not accept a provision exactly as drafted without qualification, the appropriate response is “Not Met” and the Bidder must provide in their Proposal the alternative wording that the Bidder desires.
Not Met means there was no evidence that satisfied any of the elements of the best practice.

Examples of Not Met in a sentence

  • No response) 2019-2020 Progress Toward Attainment of Financial Goals Financial GoalsMeasure Used to Evaluate ProgressGoal - Met, Not Met, or Partially MetIf not met, describe efforts the school will take to meet goal.Financial Goal 6 Financial Goal 7 Financial Goal 8 Financial Goal 9 Financial Goal 10 Thank you.

  • No response) 2019-2020 Progress Toward Attainment of Academic Goals Academic Student Performance GoalMeasure Used to Evaluate Progress Toward Attainment of GoalGoal - Met, Not Met or Unable to MeetIf not met, describe efforts the school will take to meet goal.

  • Site Staff: The site staff shall possess minimum levels set below; 12345Item No.Qualification SubjectQualification RequirementDocument To be Completed by TendererFor Procuring Entity’s Use (Qualification met or Not Met) Site Agent Qualification = dipl o ma in Civil Eng.

  • Financial GoalsMeasure Used to Evaluate ProgressGoal - Met, Not Met, or Partially MetIf not met, describe efforts the school will take to meet goal.

  • Line of credit and Bank Statements 2 Marks Item No. Qualification Subject Qualification RequirementDocument to be Completed/provided by TendererFor Procuring Entity's Use (Qualification met or Not Met) 5 General Construction ExperienceExperience under construction contracts in the role of prime contractor, JV member, subcontractor, or management contractor, substantially completed in the last [3 years] prior to the applications submission deadline.

More Definitions of Not Met

Not Met means that the student did not meet the grade level standard.
Not Met means the program provided no evidence that satisfies any of the best practices criterion. “Minimally” means the program provided evidence that satisfies a small portion of the criterion. “Partially” means the program provided evidence that satisfies about half of the criterion. “Substantially” means the program provided evidence that satisfies a large portion of the criterion. “Fully met” means the program provided evidence that completely satisfies the best practices criterion.
Not Met. - means that the Vendor does not accept the provision exactly as drafted. If the Vendor does not accept a Contract provision exactly as drafted, the appropriate response is “Not Met” and the Vendor should provide in their Proposal the Vendor’s position on the provision, i.e. the wording that the Vendor prefers to be included in the Contract.
Not Met means that the response does not meet the definition in paragraph
Not Met means that Procurement exceeded the agreed-upon timeline for one or more of the agreed upon dates by one or more days.
Not Met means that the Vendor does not accept the provision exactly as drafted. If the Vendor does not accept a Contract provision exactly as drafted, and responds with “Not Met”, the Vendor must provide in their Proposal the Vendor’s final position on the provision i.e. the wording that the Vendor requires for the Vendor to enter into a contract. Her Majesty will deem any alternative wording, including suggested, recommended, or proposed wording, as reflecting the Vendor’s final position on the provision. Alternative wording should be considered carefully as alternative wording for mandatory contract provisions not meeting the fundamental intent of the provision will result in rejection of the Proposal. Her Majesty will determine whether the alternative wording meets the fundamental intent of the provision. The Proposal should include an explicit response to each of the desirable Contract provisions by indicating either:
Not Met means that the division has taken no action in this area this year. We encourage divisions with these results to set well defined goals and implement them over the next year. These divisions should network with other divisions to learn best practices so they can build a solid foundation for future initiatives. We see this as an excellent opportunity to integrate cross-divisional collaboration into a division’s foundation for planning and assessment.