Examples of Notice of Redetermination in a sentence
The Notice of Redetermination (form 5101), including the reason for the review of eligibility, must be sent prior to the eligibility redetermination date.
The Notice of Redetermination including the reason for the review of eligibility must be sent prior to the eligibility redetermination date.
As with all redeterminations, prior to a termination of developmental disabilities services, the CDDP must send a Notice of Redetermination (form 5101), afford the child’s parent or guardian the opportunity to provide documentation that supports eligibility, and schedule a diagnostic evaluation for the child, if appropriate.
The documentation of an intellectual disability or an other developmental disability must include information no more than three years old from the date of the Notice of Redetermination (form 5101), for individuals less than 22 years of age.
The parent shall submit the online redetermination application and return the required documentation by the due date indicated on the Notice of Redetermination.
The documentation of an intellectual disability or an other developmental disability must include information no more than three years old from the date of the Notice of Redetermination, for individuals less than 22 years of age.
The Notice of Redetermination shall include instructions for submitting the online redetermination application and a list of supporting documentation that the parent must provide to confirm eligibility.
As with all redeterminations, prior to a termination of developmental disabilities services, the CDDP must send a Notice of Redetermination, afford the child’s parent or guardian the opportunity to provide documentation that supports eligibility, and schedule a diagnostic evaluation for the child, if appropriate.
A copy of the letter or report from Landlord’s architect or engineer setting forth its calculation of the actual rentable square footage of the Leased Premises, together with all documentary support therefor, shall be furnished to Tenant (the “Preliminary Notice of Re-determination of RSF”).
If Tenant does not object in writing to the Preliminary Notice of Re-determination of RSF within 10 business days of Landlord’s delivery thereof, the Preliminary Notice of Re-determination of RSF shall be considered the Notice of Re-determination of RSF.