Examples of Numerator in a sentence
Numerator: Please indicate the definition of the population included in the numerator for each measure (such as the number of visits required for inclusion, e.g., one or more visits in the past year).
Each type of deviation is accompanied by a comment field that states must use to explain in greater detail or further specify the deviation when a deviation(s) from a measure is selected.The five types (and examples) of deviations are:• Year of Data (e.g., partial year),• Data Source (e.g., use of different data sources among health plans or delivery systems),• Numerator (e.g., coding issues),• Denominator (e.g., exclusion of MCOs, different age groups, definition of continuous enrollment),• Other.
Num DF: Numerator Degree of Freedom, Den DF: Denominator Degree of Freedom, F Value: Degrees of Freedom, Pr.: Probability.
Numerator = All applicants who have a completed level of care assessment prior to a waiver enrollment request.
The broad categories of required documents include:• Numerator and Denominator Measures: For the numerator and denominator measures, providers must upload an EHR-generated summary MU and PI report that shows the numerator and denom- inator and calculated value for each measure reported.