O rder definition
Examples of O rder in a sentence
The C ontractor s hall c omply w ith t he non -discrimination in e mployment a nd c ontracting opportunities l aws, r egulations, a nd e xecutive o rders r eferenced i n 24 C .F.R. § 570.607, a s revised b y E xecutive O rder 13279 of D ecember 12, 2002.
The Contractor shall comply with Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, e ntitled “Equal Employment Opportunity,” as amended by Executive Order 11375 of October 13, 1967; E xecutive O rder 11478 o f A ugust 8, 1969; E xecutive O rder 12107 of December 28, 1978; E xecutive O rder 12086 of O ctober 5, 1978; a nd a s s upplemented i n Department of Labor regulations (41 C.F.R. Part 60).
G CC / Supp ly- 1/ R ev-4 , Special C ondition of the C ontr ac t (SC C ), if any and th is Purchase O rder sha ll be the sole repository of the C ontract.
Any O rder placed by the Buyer for Products if and when accepted by Datalogic shall constitute a separate binding contract entered into by Datalogic and Buyer in accordance with and incorporating the Conditions of Sale and any relevant Datalogic quotation document or other document ("Agreement").
I nvoices s hall include s uch information as may be reques ted by the P urc haser, s hall referenc e the Purchase O rder’s number and the P urc haser and s hall be issued in the currency of the P urchase O rder.