Open License definition

Open License means a license which allows a copyright owner to permanently relinquish copyrights to data of a bibliographic nature for the purpose of contributing to a commons of creative, cultural and scientific works that the public can reliably, and without liability for later claims of infringement, build upon, modify, incorporate in other data, reuse and redistribute
Open License means a license issued pursuant to Part A of Subchapter III of this title that is not a social
Open License means a form public license approved by the Open Source Initiative as an open source license, or the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal form license.

Examples of Open License in a sentence

  • The utility function u = u(x, y) describes the level of well-being, or satisfaction, that the individual gets from any combination of these two goods.

  • Definitions provided are also reproduced and/or adapted from text in Statistic Canada Census reference documents under the Statistics Canada Open License Agreement.

  • The Open License encompasses the End User, Windows Service and Terminal Server Licenses.

  • By means of example and without limitation, Open License Terms include the following licenses: the GNU General Public License (GPL), the GNU Lesser GPL (LGPL), the BSD License, the Apache License or the MIT License.

  • If Customer loses its status as a government or charitable organization subsequent to licensing products under this agreement, Customer may continue to use copies for which Customer is licensed, but Customer may not submit any new order for Licenses under the Microsoft Government or Charity Open License programs.

More Definitions of Open License

Open License means a non-exclusive license to the Licensed Technology, Associated Licensee Rights, and Associated Notifier Rights granted by the University to a Notifier from University upon Notification. There are no limitations on the number of Open Licenses that may be received or the parties whom may receive an Open License.
Open License means the following terms or their equivalent as specified in this Grant Confirmation Letter: (i) for software, a GNU general public license, a BSD license or an MIT license, (ii) for hardware, a CERN license, MIT license or TAPR license and (iii) for design or content, a CC-BY license.
Open License means a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable copyright license granting the public permission to access, reproduce, publicly perform, publicly display, adapt, distribute, and otherwise use the work and adaptations of the work for any purpose, conditioned only on the requirement that attribution be given to authors as designated.
Open License means a license designated as such in the Public Notice.
Open License means a license assigned by a copyright owner that permits access, use, distribution, and often revision by others without requiring the prior express permission of the copyright owner but subject to limited restrictions. Common restrictions include attribution required, share-a-like on derivative or reproduced copies, or inclusion of source code where applicable. Examples of open licenses include but are not limited to the Creative Commons (CC) licenses and popular open sources licenses such as the General Public License (GPL), the Apache License, or the MIT license.
Open License means any license of open source code, which includes but is not limited to (i) any license meeting the definition of Open Source promulgated by the Open Source Initiative, available online at xxxx://; or (ii) any such license that requires as a condition of redistribution of works made available under such license, that modifications and/or derivative works thereof prepared by the licensee by distributed and licensed (a) in Source Code form, (b) for the purpose of making modifications or derivative works, and (c) free or for a nominal or otherwise limited charge. Open Licenses shall be deemed to include GPL, LGPL, Mozilla Public License, BSD, MIT, Boost Software License and the Beer-Xxxx Public Software License.
Open License means any standardised public license that allows data and content to be freely accessed, used, modified, and shared by anyone for any purpose, subject, at most, to requirements that preserve provenance and openness;