Community service means compulsory service, without
Community services means any type of counseling and advice, emergency assistance, medical care,
Company Service means the Company's email, Internet, security management services provided to End Users for the purposes of conducting Company's internal business.
Eligibility Service of an employee means the period or periods of service credited to him under the provisions of Article II for purposes of determining his eligibility to participate in the Plan as may be required under Article III or Article VI.
CMU Service means the Central Moneymarkets Unit Service, operated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority;
911 Service means a universal telephone number which gives the public direct access to the Public Safety Answering Point (“PSAP”). Basic 911 service collects 911 calls from one or more local exchange switches that serve a geographic area. The calls are then sent to the correct authority designated to receive such calls.
Cloud Service means any distinct, subscription-based, hosted, supported and operated on-demand solution provided by SAP under an Order Form.
Mobile Service means the mobile service we provide to you enabling you to use and receive a range of mobile services including, but not limited to, messaging services, age restricted services and premium services.
broadcasting service means a radiocommunication service in which the transmissions are intended for direct reception by the general public. This service may include sound transmissions, television transmissions or other types of transmission.
Staffing service means any person, other than a professional employer organization, that hires its
Managed Service means the managed service provided by the Managed Service Provider to the End User comprising the Software and the Services;
Community mental health program means all mental health
Year of Eligibility Service means, for any Special Employee, a credit used to determine his eligibility to participate under the Plan, as further described in Section 2.2.
approach control service means air traffic control service for arriving or departing controlled flights;
School service means a website, mobile application, or online service that (i) is designed and marketed solely for use in elementary or secondary schools; (ii) is used at the direction of teachers or other employees at elementary or secondary schools; and (iii) collects and maintains, uses, or shares student personal information. "School service" does not include a website, mobile application, or online service that is designed and marketed for use by individuals or entities generally, even if it is also marketed for use in elementary or secondary schools.
Fire Service means any deployment of firefighting personnel and/or equipment to extinguish a fire or perform any preventative measure in an effort to protect equipment, life, or property in an area threatened by fire. It also includes the deployment of firefighting personnel and/or equipment to provide fire suppression, rescue, extrication, and any other services related to fire and rescue as may occasionally occur.
Community-Wide Standard means the standard of conduct, maintenance or other activity generally prevailing in the Community. Such standard may be more specifically determined by the Board of Directors of the Association. Such determination, however, must be consistent with the Community-Wide Standard originally established by the Declarant.
Black Start Service means the capability of generating units to start without an outside electrical supply or the demonstrated ability of a generating unit with a high operating factor (subject to Transmission Provider concurrence) to automatically remain operating at reduced levels when disconnected from the grid.
alerting service means a service provided to notify appropriate organisations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and assist such organisations as required;
Community setting means a location outside a hospital inpatient, acute care setting or a hospital clinic setting. A community setting may include, but is not limited to, a home, group home, assisted living facility, correctional facility, hospice, or long-term care facility.
Home and community-based services or "HCBS" means Home and Community-Based Services as defined in OAR chapter 411, division 004.
financial service means a service of a financial nature, including insurance, and a service incidental or auxiliary to a service of a financial nature;
Testing service means a national testing service selected by the board.
Health care service means that service offered or provided by health care facilities and health care providers relating to the prevention, cure, or treatment of illness, injury, or disease.
related service , means the services incidental to the supply of the Goods, such as transportation, insurance, installation, training and initial maintenance and other such obligations of the Supplier under the Contract.
civil service means the civil service of the State;