Examples of Optional Modifications in a sentence
None of the stations interviewed showed an aversion to adhering more closely to the Protocols if they were known, and if they were given training as to the importance of the Protocols.
In the event of Lessor's granting such qualified consent in writing, Lessee shall, at Lessee's sole expense, accomplish all such Optional Modifications, removal of such modifications and required reconstruction necessary to return the Aircraft to Lessor in its original configuration at the end of the Term.
The Makana Municipality has three landfill sites namely the Grahamstown, Alicedale and Riebeeck East landfill; all the sites are managed by the Municipality.
All Optional Modifications shall be accomplished by Lessee at its own expense.
Lessee shall provide copies of all drawings and data to be used by Lessee in accomplishing such Optional Modifications for Lessor's consent prior to such work.