Examples of Original record in a sentence
Original record has been handed over to Sh. Nishant Shrivastava, Advocate for its safe custody with him and for its production before the appropriate authority in case of need.
For example, if an Original record (Transaction Code 01) already resides on the PCRB’s database, a new Original with the same key fields (Carrier Code, Policy Number Identifier, Policy Effective Date, Claim Number Identifier, Bill Identification Number, and Line Identification Number) and the same Transaction Code and Transaction Date will invoke an edit.
For example, a Cancellation record (Transaction Code 02) must have an associated Original record (Transaction Code 01) or Replacement record (Transaction Code 03) in the submission or on the PCRB’s database.
For example, a Cancellation record (Transaction Code 02) must have an associated Original record (Transaction Code 01) or Replacement record (Transaction Code 03) in the submission or on the DCRB’s database.
For example, if an Original record (Transaction Code 01) already resides on the DCRB’s database, a new Original with the same key fields (Carrier Code, Policy Number Identifier, Policy Effective Date, Claim Number Identifier, Bill Identification Number, and Line Identification Number) and the same Transaction Code and Transaction Date will invoke an edit.
PROVISION FOR MAJOR MAINTENANCETo meet the obligations under the PPA, major maintenance and upgradation will have to be performed on the power generation assets.
For example, a Cancellation record (Transaction Code 02) must have an associated Original record (Transaction Code 01) or Replacement record (Transaction Code 03) in the submission or on WCRIBMA’s database.
A stack of images results which consists of a vector of data for each pixel in an overhead view of the site.
The contractor’s comments remain with the Original record since the comments were based on the original ratings and narratives.
Original record remains with appropriate chair, all other copies are considered duplicates.