Examples of First generation in a sentence
The absence of operational art in the First generation is also evident from the writings of Clausewitz, an exponent of the art of war whose profound views were rooted in the First Generation.
First generation or 1G refers to analog technology on which cellular networks originated.
First- generation GM crops are convenient and therefore attractive to modern farmers.However, many consumers are increasingly worried about the health implications of GM grains.
Ordering of indicators Third generation Second generation First generation Linear listing of indicators Facetted– a, b, c, d….
In general, there are three generations of blockchain implementations [13]:• First generation: the early implementations of blockchains have few distinct properties.
First- generation college students: Additional evidence on college experiences and outcomes.
First- generation cases are those that have the shared exposure; for example, these are workers at a worksite outbreak, or children and staff at a daycare that has an outbreak, even if those cases have onsets spread over time.
First generation hybrids have emphasized the development of hybrids that are sweet and produce sugar as primary trait; there has been less attention devoted to improved quality, enhanced yield, more desirable maturity, and improved disease resistance.
First generation biofuel research has focused mainly on bioethanol2.
First generation solutions were electric batons and hand-held stun guns which had a range of arm's length.