Our Mission definition

Our Mission. The Applied Wildlife Ecology and Spatial Movement (AWESM) lab focuses on developing innovative solutions to the growing wildlife conservation and management needs in multi-functional landscapes where there are competing interests for agricultural production, wildlife conservation, and ecosystem services. Our Vision: Our research and extension activities will promote a holistic conservation ethic in intensive agricultural landscapes by providing constituents with relevant, high-quality science- based information to achieve landscape-level conservation success. Lab Overview: As an Assistant Professor in the School of Natural Resources, Xx. Xxxxxx is expected to develop a high-impact, nationally and internationally recognized extension/research program in landscape ecology, habitat and wildlife management. As a student in my lab, you will be assisting in carrying out these activities, which requires we conduct ourselves in an ethical manner while conducting high impact scientific research and extension activities. What should you expect from Xx. Xxxxxx? ⮚ I will be supportive, equitable, accessible, encouraging, and respectful. I will try my best to understand your unique situation and mentor you accordingly. I am mindful that each student comes from a different background and has different professional goals. It will help if you keep me informed about your experience and remember that graduate school is a job with high expectations. I view my role as fostering your professional confidence and encouraging your critical thinking, skepticism, and creativity. If my attempts to do this are not effective for you, I am open to talking with you about other ways to achieve these goals. ⮚ I will work tirelessly for the good of the lab group. The success of every member of our lab is my top priority, no matter their personal strengths and weaknesses, or career goals.
Our Mission. “To build a safe and vibrant community through leadership, innovation and healthy relationships”. Our Key Principles: “Recognizing our history and solid foundation, we approach the role of providing the best possible level of municipal services for our citizens through a base of collaborative and supportive teamwork. RECOMMENDATION That Council pass the resolution as required by the LCMAO Support Services Agreement stating that; “Council for Xxxxxxx County hereby authorizes the provision of emergency support services by The City of Red Deer within the municipal boundaries of Xxxxxxx County pursuant to the terms of a mutual aid agreementPREPARED BY: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, County Fire Chief REVIEWED BY: Xxxxx Xxxxx, Director of Community Services
Our Mission. Building a safe and vibrant community through leadership, innovation and the development of healthy relationships”. Key Principles: 1) “Fair and Objective in our decisions and in how we treat individuals”, and 2) “Accountability for our decisions and for our actions”. Resource and Asset Management Strategy: “To manage the natural, financial and physical assets of the County in order to obtain maximum value from all of these resources”. Key Success Measures – Sustainability: “Current services are maintainable and provide benefits for the future, while minimizing negative impacts on the community”, and “Shared sense of identity, regardless of municipal boundaries” RECOMMENDATION That Council approve the following resolution: That Council approve the Recreation Funding Agreement between the Town of Sylvan Lake and Xxxxxxx County for the years 2019 to 2023 inclusive.

Examples of Our Mission in a sentence

  • Our Mission is to increase access to, and use of, evidence-based approaches to screen, identify, and teach students with literacy-related disabilities, including dyslexia.

  • Our Mission is to provide quality goods, products and services to all of our customers and consistently provide the highest level of customer service.

  • Our Mission is to provide a unique city experience that is fun, unforgettable and rewarding.

  • Our Mission at HEART We will work in partnership to improve access to, and achievement in, Higher Education to enhance individual and economic development.

  • Our Mission Berlin Metropolitan School consistently aims to build an inclusive culture of learning that inspires and challenges every individual to develop to their full potential and become active and responsible participants in our global society.

More Definitions of Our Mission

Our Mission. To improve the health, wellbeing, and safety of children, youth, and families in Arlington through researching young people’s needs, advocating for improved policies and program to meet those needs, and engaging the community as part of the solution. As a Designated Member, these are my Roles and Responsibilities: I understand that I am designated to APCYF as a part of my position with the County or Schools. • I commit to attending monthly board meetings. I will review the agenda and related materials of the meetings ahead of time and provide comment if needed when I cannot attend. • If I am not able to attend APCYF meetings regularly, I will alert the APCYF Leadership and will designate a staff/team member who will be able to attend. • I will hold myself accountable for doing what I say I am going to do. • I will represent APCYF and promote its mission throughout the community. Communications: • I will be respectful and thoughtful while listening and speaking. • I will contribute to a safe meeting environment. • I recognize that email is our primary mode of communications and that it is my responsibility as a sender and as a receiver to ensure that the necessary connection is made. • I will be a communication conduit between my agency and APCYF. • I will keep myself informed by reading e-mails, meeting notes, or visiting the website. • If I have questions or concerns, I will discuss them openly APCYF. Decisions: • I understand that if a quorum is met (8 appointed and 4 designated members), APCYF may use consensus or voting to make a decision. • If I am not in attendance, I will abide by APCYF decision. • I recognize that for some votes I may need to recuse myself. In addition to these agreements, I shall help further the mission by:
Our Mission. We serve together to bring God's mercy to our communities through compassionate, transforming, healing ministries.
Our Mission. To improve the health, wellbeing, and safety of children, youth, and families in Arlington through researching young people’s needs, advocating for improved policies and program to meet those needs, and engaging the community as part of the solution. As an Appointed Member, these are my Roles and Responsibilities: I understand that I am appointed to APCYF for a two-year term and that I serve at the pleasure of the Partnership and the County Board. I may be reappointed for up to six (6) consecutive years of service. • I commit to attending monthly board meetings. I will review the agenda and related materials of the meetings ahead of time and provide comment if needed when I cannot attend. • If I am not able to attend APCYF meetings regularly, I will review my commitment with the APCYF Leadership. • I will play an active role on at least one ongoing committee or workgroup. • I will hold myself accountable for doing what I say I am going to do. • I will represent APCYF and advocate for its mission throughout the community. Communications: • I will be respectful and thoughtful while listening and speaking. • I will contribute to a safe meeting environment. • I recognize that email is our primary mode of communications and that it is my responsibility as a sender and as a receiver to ensure that the necessary connection is made. • I will keep myself informed by reading e-mails, meeting notes, or visiting the website. • If I have questions or concerns, I will address them by contacting the APCYF Leadership. Decisions: • I understand that if a quorum is met (8 appointed and 4 designated members), APCYF may use consensus or voting to make a decision. • If I am not in attendance, I will abide by APCYF decision. In addition to these agreements, I shall help further the mission by:
Our Mission. The 6th Tool Baseball School strives to develop the individual God given physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual talents of its players, and through sportsmanship, team competition, and fun encourages responsibility, compassion, and excellence in all aspects of performance. ● NO “I” IN TEAM: We put the TEAM before the individual player. ● DO NOT POKE THE COACHES: Parents and others have a right to discuss matters with the coaches at the appropriate time and place. In consideration of the non paid coaching staff, please feel free to set up a time and place for such a meeting that accommodates all involved, and not at the ballpark. Autograph of Player: Date
Our Mission. “To build a safe and vibrant community through leadership, innovation and the development of healthy relationships”. Key Principles: 1) “Fair and Objective in our decisions and in how we treat individuals”, and 2) “Accountability for our decisions and for our actions”. Recreation Strategy: A. Pursue more recreational opportunities Key Success Measures:  Sustainability: “Current services are maintainable and provide benefits for the future, while minimizing negative impacts on the community”,  Stakeholder Satisfaction: “Healthy relationships with neighbouring municipalities, communities and our citizens.” RECOMMENDATION That Council approve the following resolution: That the Facilities Operating Support Agreement between the Lacombe Performing Arts Centre Foundation and Xxxxxxx County be approved.
Our Mission. We are the People's University, the center of learning for a diverse and inclusive community.
Our Mission. To cultivate green infrastructure investments, meaningful green jobs and ecological resilience through community-based programming and projects in California. By signing below, I (or my legal guardian) agree that: Safety For my safety and that of others, I will comply with CAN!’s volunteer policies, safety rules, and other directions. I will supervise any child or other person for whom I am responsible. If I become aware of any hazardous condition or danger at a Project site, I will alert CAN!. I will use only equipment and tools that are offered for my use and that I am competent to operate safely. I have no physical or health limitations that would prevent my safe participation. I will not participate while under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance, or medication that impairs my physical or mental abilities. COVID-19 and Virus Prevention By signing below I confirm that I will adhere to all Federal, State and Municipal COVID-19 safety protocols including masking (covering the nose and mouth fully) and will stay home if symptoms are present. Risks of Participation I understand that volunteering involves risks, including physical injury, death, emotional distress, and damage to property or reputation. Such risks may be inherent to physical exertion, or may arise from conditions at Project sites, use of equipment, my own actions or inactions, or the actions or inactions of Project staff, other volunteers, and others present at Project sites.