Examples of Parliamentary Inquiry in a sentence
A request for information regarding parliamentary procedure or the organization's rules bearing on the business at hand is referred to as a Parliamentary Inquiry.
A Point of Parliamentary Inquiry may be raised by a delegate who is unsure of a particular element of the committee’s proceedings.
A delegate may not rise to a Point of Parliamentary Inquiry while another speaker is addressing the committee, and may only raise the point regarding matters of parliamentary procedure.
Should an employee be required on his or her regular work day to report for jury duty or is subpoenaed to testify before a court of law, coroner's inquest, Parliamentary Inquiry or Royal Commission, the employee will be paid his or her regular salary for the day.
A Delegate may raise a Point of Parliamentary Inquiry to request an explanation from the Chair on the rules of procedure.
During a speech, only Points of Personal Privilege (see rules), Points of Order (see rules) or Points of Parliamentary Inquiry (see rules) may interrupt a speaker.A delegate must be recognized by the chair in order to rise to the floor to begin his/her speech.
Should an employee be required on his or her regular work day to report for jury duty or is subpoenaed to testify before a court of law, xxxxxxx's inquest, Parliamentary Inquiry or Royal Commission, the employee will be paid his or her regular salary for the day.
Should an employee be required on his/her regular work day to report for jury duty or is subpoenaed to testify before a court of law, coroner’s inquest, Parliamentary Inquiry or Royal Commission, the employee will be paid his/her regular salary for the day.
Should an employee be required on his or her regular work day to report for jury duty or be subpoenaed to testify before a court of law, xxxxxxx's inquest, Parliamentary Inquiry, or Royal Commission, the employee will be paid his or her regular salary for the day.
The Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the allocation of water resources reports that the average precipitation in the form of rain or snow in Victoria is 150 gigalitres.