Examples of Pecuniary gain in a sentence
All bidders that meet the qualification criteria set out in the pre- qualification document shall be allowed to bid and there shall be no limit on the number of pre-qualified bidders.
Pecuniary gain or advantage includes monetary, financial or economic gain or advantage.
Members could appoint or replace manager WITH A VIEW TO PROFIT Business does not need to make a profit• It is a question of intention to make profit, not whether profit has been actually made Re Young; Ex parte Jones What is profit?o Pecuniary gain made by the business between accounting periods usually separated by an interval of a year Re Spanish Prospectingo Court generally takes a simple balance sheet approach: Comparing any change in value of the assets of the company at two different points in time.
Pecuniary gain in such cases is also confiscated if it is in possession of a third party (e.g. spouse, relatives, or family members) and was not acquired in good faith.Croatian laws and provisions regarding corruption apply equally to domestic and foreign investors.
The Club does not contemplate Pecuniary gain or profit to the members thereof except as provided by law under $501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time.