Educational Purpose Sample Clauses
Educational Purpose. The school district is providing students and employees with access to the school district computer system, which includes Internet access. The purpose of the system is more specific than providing students and employees with general access to the Internet. The school district system has a limited educational purpose, which includes use of the system for classroom activities, educational research, and professional or career development activities. Users are expected to use Internet access through the district system to further educational and personal goals consistent with the mission of the school district and school policies. Uses which might be acceptable on a user’s private personal account on another system may not be acceptable on this limited-purpose network.
Educational Purpose. The District network has been established as link to the Internet for educational purposes. This means that students may use the system for classroom activities, professional or career development, and high-quality, educationally enriching research. Students may not use the District network for commercial purposes. This means the student may not offer, provide, or purchase products or services through the District network.
Educational Purpose. The District’s network has been established for educational purposes. The term “educational purposes” includes classroom activities, career development, and limited high-quality self-discovery activities. The District has the right to place reasonable restrictions on the material you access or post through the network. The District makes no guarantee that the functions or the services provided by or through the District network will be error-free or without defect. The District will not be responsible for any damage you may suffer, including but not limited to, loss of data or interruptions of service. The District is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through or stored on the network. The District will not be responsible for financial obligations arising through the unauthorized use of the network.
Educational Purpose. The JCS Internet system has been established for a limited education purpose. “Education purpose” includes school activities, continuing education, professional or career development, and high-quality, educationally enriching personal research. It has not been established as a public access service, a public forum, or for political lobbying. School access to the Internet may not be used for commercial purposes. “Commercial purposes” refers to the unauthorized offering, providing, or purchasing of products or services through the School Internet system. ● Responsibilities: While it is impossible to control all material on a public network, JCS has taken reasonable precautions to restrict access to materials it considers harmful and to materials that do not support approved educational objectives, and to comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).Teachers, parents and/or staff will instruct students in appropriate ways to access Internet resources. Teachers, parents and/or staff will use reasonable measures to ensure that information gathered from the Internet appropriately supports educational purposes. All users must follow this policy and report any misuse of the network or Internet to appropriate School personnel.
Educational Purpose. Moon Area School District provides employees and students with access to its telecommunication systems. The purpose of these systems is not general access but has a more specific limited educational purpose. This purpose includes use of telecommunication systems for professional MASD business, classroom instructional activities, professional and career development and to further educational and personal goals consistent with the school district's mission, goals, and objectives and school policies. Uses which might be acceptable on a user's private personal account on another system may not be acceptable on these limited purpose systems.
Educational Purpose. The use of the Bremen Public School’s technology resources is subject to the following terms and conditions: The district Internet system has been established for a limited “educational purpose”. The term "educational purpose" includes classroom activities, continuing education, professional or career development, and high quality educationally enriching personal research. In compliance with federal law, the school district shall make reasonable efforts to restrict access to inappropriate materials and shall monitor the online activities, as reasonably able, of the end users in the school environment. The district Internet system has not been established as a public access service or a public forum. The district has the right to place reasonable restrictions on the material the student accesses or posts through the system. Students are also expected to follow the rules set forth in this agreement, the student disciplinary code, and the law, when utilizing the district Internet system. Students may not use the district Internet system for commercial purposes. A user may not offer, provide, or purchase products or services through the district Internet system.
Educational Purpose. The use of the Xxxxxxxx County Schools’ technology resources is subject to the following terms and conditions: ● Xxxxxxxx County Schools’ technologies have been established for a limited “educational purpose”. The term "educational purpose" includes classroom activities, continuing education, professional or career development, and high quality educationally enriching personal research. In compliance with federal law, the school district shall make reasonable efforts to restrict access to inappropriate materials and shall monitor the online activities, as reasonably able, of the end users in the school environment. ● Xxxxxxxx County Schools’ technologies have not been established as a public access service or a public forum. The district has the right to place reasonable restrictions on the material the student accesses or posts through the system. Students are also expected to follow the rules set forth in this agreement, the student disciplinary code, and the law, when utilizing the district Internet system. ● Students may not use Xxxxxxxx County Schools’ technologies for commercial purposes. A user may not offer or provide products or services through the district resources. ● Students/Parents are expected to abide by Xxxxxxxx County Schools’ Students/Parents Technology and Digital Citizenship Agreement. Additionally, they must abide by Board of Education policies (including, but not limited to, 3340, 3341, and 4226). Failure to abide by these could result in disciplinary action. ● Students/Parents are responsible for returning school owned devices and accessories to the school at the end of each school year. Students who graduate early, withdraw, are suspended or expelled, or discontinue enrollment in Xxxxxxxx County Schools for any other reason must return all school owned devices and accessories on or before the date of exit. Students and parents/guardians understand and agree: ● That the device and its accessory equipment are the property of Xxxxxxxx County Schools. ● That I/we must report all device damages or the theft/loss of the device to the school administration or technical support staff immediately upon discovery. ● That I/we will be responsible for all repair/replacement charges associated with device damages caused through a lack of reasonable precautions. Cost will be set by repair professionals authorized to act in such capacity. ● That my device and files are subject to inspection/monitoring at any time without notice and remains the pr...
Educational Purpose. The Contributed Amount will be expended solely for the instltu!e Programs, which is an educational purpose described in section 170(c)(2)(13) ofthe Code. The Contributed Amount will not be used to influence legislation as described in section 4945(d)(l) of the Code, to influence the outcome of any election, for a political campaign or intervention, to carry on any voter registration drive, or any other purpose that wouldjeopardize the Donor's tax-exempt status or subject the Donor to penalties under Chapter 42 of the Code.
Educational Purpose. School District No. 23 (Central Okanagan) and your local school, through computer workstations, school Local Area Networks, the District Wide Area Network, and the Provincial Learning Network provides access for students to network services and to the Internet. The purpose for using the network and the Internet in your school is to support your educational program by providing access to unique learning resources and educational tools. Educational use includes classroom instructional activities, information literacy programs, student career programs, and limited high-quality self-discovery activities and research.
Educational Purpose. The use of the Wheatland High School’s technology resources is subject to the following terms and conditions: ● The district Internet system has been established for a limited “educational purpose”. The term “educational purpose” includes classroom activities, continuing education, professional or career development, and high quality educationally enriching personal research. In compliance with federal law, the school district shall make reasonable efforts to restrict access to inappropriate materials and shall monitor the online activities,as reasonably able, of the end users in the school environment. ● The district Internet system has not been established as a public access service or a public forum. The district has the right to place reasonable restrictions on the material the student accesses or posts through the system. Students are also expected to follow the rules set forth in this agreement, the student disciplinary code, and the law, when utilizing the district Internet system. ● Students may not use the district Internet system for commercial purposes. A user may not offer, provide, or purchase products or services through the district Internet system. ● I/We understand and agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the WHS Responsible Use Agreement and Contract. Failure to abide by this agreement will result in disciplinary action as set out herein.