Performance Category definition
Examples of Performance Category in a sentence
Normal Performance Category Assignment The above assignment of Categories A and B is expected to cover the vast majority of interconnections.
Within the first 90 days of each Performance Period, the C&LD Committee sets three-year performance goals (“Performance Goals”) for each Performance Category for such Performance Period and establishes a sliding scale to measure the Company’s performance against each Performance Goal in each Performance Category.
Rate of Change Frequency (ROCOF) Ride-Through Requirements for DER of Abnormal Operating Performance Category I and Category II The DER shall conform to the frequency-droop requirements for the applicable Abnormal Operating Performance Categories.
Abundance estimates and associated standard errors based on estimated densities (by area and shoreline length of run-pools and special run-pools) of each target species on the lower Tuolumne River (RM 0 to RM 39.4).
DER Response (shall trip) to Abnormal Frequencies for DER of Abnormal Operating Performance Category I, Category II and Category III Shall Trip FunctionDefault SettingaNotes for Table 6aThe frequency and clearing time set points shall be field adjustable.