Permanent Unit member definition
Permanent Unit member is a unit member who has satisfactorily completed the probationary period of one (1) year and who has been appointed by the Board of Trustees as a permanent unit member.
Permanent Unit member is a regular unit member who successfully 14 completes an initial probationary period.
Permanent Unit member refers to a unit member who has met the requirements for 12 permanent status as set forth in the Education Code, including employment in a 13 certificated position for two (2) complete consecutive school years and the beginning of 14 employment for the third consecutive school year with the District.
Examples of Permanent Unit member in a sentence
No Permanent Unit member shall be disciplined or suspended without just cause.
A Permanent Unit member may only voluntarily transfer or be voluntarily reassigned to one new position per school year.
A Permanent Unit member who applies to be transferred or be reassigned to more than one position will indicate the preferred position in order of preference.
More Definitions of Permanent Unit member
Permanent Unit member is a regular unit member who has successfully completed the 17 probationary trial period for a particular class. The probationary period shall be six (6) months 18 (excluding leaves and absences).
Permanent Unit member means an employee who has passed an initial probationary period to the District.
7.1 When the District determines that either a permanent vacancy or a new position exists within the bargaining unit, such vacancy or new position shall be posted on designated bulletin boards for a period of six full working days, during which time employees may make application for the vacancy or new position.