Examples of Physical facility in a sentence
REVOKED]450:70-2-1 Physical facility environment and safety [REVOKED]450:70-2-2 Hygiene and sanitation [REVOKED]450:70-2-3.
Physical facility (external environment, exits and entrances, waiting room, offices, streetlights, offices, halls, restrooms, etc.) is regularly evaluated for physicalsafety concerns that may impact staff and program participants who receive services.b. Physical office space has been evaluated for its therapeutic quality (e.g., color ofpaint, décor, furniture, lighting, odor, and cleanliness).
Physical facility (external environment, exits and entrances, waiting room, offices, streetlights, offices, halls, restrooms, etc.) is regularly evaluated for physical safety concerns that may impact staff and program participants who receive services.b. Physical office space has been evaluated for its therapeutic quality (e.g., color of paint, décor, furniture, lighting, odor, and cleanliness).
Physical facility includes class room, library, facilities, laboratory facilities, medical facilities and other facilities.
Except actions taken in §5.4.2, the following vulnerability assessments should be performed once a year: - OS vulnerability assessments - Physical facility vulnerability assessments - Certificate management system vulnerability assessments - Network vulnerability assessments.
SHP service related:➢ Physical facility in SHPs. For example having a separate for safe delivery in a confidential way.
Physical facility improvement including the construction of small multi-purpose WUA buildings for each of the three WUAs at centrally located places within the command area and one small building for the WUA Central Committee.
ORGANIZATIONAL AND FACILITY MANAGEMENT…Page 19450:65-7-1 Purpose450:65-7-2 Hygiene and sanitation 450:65-7-3 Standards for food service450:65-7-4 Physical facility environment and safety 450:65-7-5 Critical incidents450:65-7-6 Organizational and facility description 450:65-7-7 Information analysis and planning 450:65-7-8 Performance improvement program450:65-7-9 Community information, consultation, outreach and street outreach 450:65-7-10 Technology450:65-7-11.
Back to top APPENDIX B SPACE PLANNING FOR PHYSICAL FACILITIESFROM STANDARDS FOR KANSAS PUBLIC LIBRARIES Physical facility standards for the various library service levels were largely developed by applying the principles contained in Public Library Space Needs: A Planning Outline, by Anders C.
Sub – item 4 of null hypothesis 1 (Ho1) (Ho1) Physical facility of beer products does not influence consumer purchasing decision (Hal) Physical facility of beer products influence consumer purchasing decision According to table (4.12), above, p- value = 000 and the significance level = 0.05 .This means P- value is less than .05 (.000 < 0.05).