Examples of Ministerial Order in a sentence
In compliance with Ministerial Order 706, it is recommended that all Victorian school staff undertake the online training course and have their competency in using an autoinjector tested in person within 30 days of completing the course by an Anaphylaxis Supervisor that has completed Course in Verifying the Correct Use of Adrenaline Autoinjector Devices 22303VIC.
The principal must ensure that when a student at risk of an anaphylactic reaction is under the care or supervision of the school outside normal class activities, such as in the school yard, on camps or excursions or at special events conducted, organised or attended by the school, there are sufficient staff present who have been trained in accordance with Ministerial Order 706.
This policy takes into account relevant legislative requirements within the state of Victoria, including the specific requirements of the Victorian Child Safe Standards as set out in Ministerial Order No. 870.
The school is compliant with the Child Safe Standards prescribed in Ministerial Order No. 870 – Child Safe Standards, Managing Risk of Child Abuse in School.
AND provision of • an in house briefing at least twice per calendar year in accordance with Ministerial Order 706.