Examples of Pollution control devices in a sentence
Pollution control devices acquired, constructed or installed by contractors shall not be considered as improvements on the land or building where they are placed, and shall not be subject to real property and other taxes or assessments: Provided, however, That payment of mine wastes and tailings fees is not exempted.
Pollution control devices in modern power plants usually capture about 99 percent of fly ash, and devices in some older plants capture about 90 percent.
For this purpose, the industry is required to submit the progress made regarding the installation of Pollution control devices viz-a-viz main project to the concerned Regional Office of the Board.
A written agreement with the land owner clearly specifying the terms and conditions of opening, operation and closing activities of the Contractor must be part of the management plan Pollution control devices such as cyclone separators /scrubbers shall be installed to control emissions from hot mix plants, crushing units and concrete batching plants.
The air temperature time series for Buffalo Niagara International Airport was downloaded from the same dataset, DS-3220 (NCDC, 2010), as the time series of total monthly snowfall.
Any kind of Pollution control devices was not seen to be installed by any brick kilns except one kiln where, gravity settling chamber and water spraying was found to be installed.
This may be ensured by averaging the temperature measurement of three detectors (not exactly positioned in the burner flame) at the same time with in the combustion chamber.• Pollution control devices are required to comply with prescribed standards for particulate matter, HCI,SO2,CO, Total Organic Carbon, HF, NOx ( NO and NO2), Hydrocarbons, Dioxin/Furans.• Stack Height shall not be less than 30 meters, in any case.
For mitigation of impacts of air pollution, stack & Air Pollution control devices shall be provided as per the detail give below: Stack NoSource of emissionPollution Control measuresStack top dimension (in Metres)Stack Height above ground level(meters)Material of ConstructionMaximum Discharge (in m3/hr) 11• VOC Control: All vessel/ Charging area vents are connected with scrubber.
Pollution control devices and facilities which were acquired, constructed or installed by the Contractor shall not be considered as improvements on the land or building where they are placed, and therefore, shall not be subject to real property tax and other taxes or assessments.
Pollution control devices and testing procedures with the firm (if any) are also inspected.