Properly maintained and used definition
Properly maintained and used means, for the purpose of a test vehicle, that such a vehicle satisfies the criteria for acceptance of a selected vehicle laid down in section 2 of Appendix 1 to Annex II;
Properly maintained and used means that when selecting a test vehicle it satisfies the criteria with regard to a good level of maintenance and normal use according to the recommendations of the vehicle manufacturer for acceptance of such a test vehicle;
Properly maintained and used means, for the purpose of a test vehicle, that such a vehicle satisfies the criteria for acceptance of a selected vehicle laid down in paragraph 2. of Appendix 3 to this Regulation;
More Definitions of Properly maintained and used
Properly maintained and used means, for the purpose of a test vehicle, that such a vehicle satisfies the criteria for acceptance of a selected vehicle laid down in paragraph 2. of Appendix 3 to this Regulation.
Properly maintained and used means that when selecting a test vehicle it satisfies the criteria with regard to a good level of maintenance and normal use according to the recommendations of the vehicle manufacturer for acceptance of such a test vehicle; 3.14.13 ‘Propulsion’ means a combustion engine, an electric motor, any hybrid application or a combination of those engine types or any other engine type; 3.14.14 ‘Power take-off unit’ means an engine-driven output provision for the purposes of powering auxiliary, vehicle mounted and equipment; 3.15.1 ‘Rechargeable energy storage system (REESS)’ means the rechargeable energy storage system that provides electric energy for electrical propulsion. The REESS may include subsystem(s) together with the necessary ancillary systems for physical support, thermal management, electronic control and enclosures; 3.15.2 ‘Reference mass’ means the kerb mass determined in accordance with IS 9211 : 2003 increased by a uniform figure of 150 kg and if applicable, plus the mass of the propulsion battery; 3.15.3 ‘Repair information’ means all information required for diagnosis, servicing, inspection, periodic monitoring or repair of the vehicle and which the manufacturers provide for their authorized dealers/repair shops or for manufacturers of replacement or retrofit components which are compatible with the vehicle OBD system. Where necessary, such information shall include service handbooks, technical manuals, diagnosis information (e.g. minimum and maximum theoretical values for measurements), wiring diagrams, the software calibration identification number applicable to a vehicle type, instructions for individual and special cases, information provided concerning tools and equipment, data record information and bi-directional conformity and test data. The manufacturer shall also make accessible, where appropriate on payment, the technical information required for the repair or maintenance of motor vehicles unless that information is covered by an intellectual property right or constitutes essential, secret know-how which is identified in an appropriate form; in such case, the necessary technical information shall not be withheld improperly; 3.16.1 ‘Secondary air’ means air introduced into the exhaust system by means of a pump or aspirator valve or other means intended to aid in the oxidation of HC and CO contained in the exhaust gas flow; 3.16.2 ‘Sensor’ means a converter that measures a physical quantity or state and converts it into an electric signa...
Properly maintained and used means, for the purpose of a test vehicle, that such a vehicle satisfies the criteria for acceptance of a selected vehicle laid down in section 2 of Appendix 3 to UN/ECE Regulation No 834;
Properly maintained and used means that when selecting a test vehicle it satisfies the criteria with regard to a good level of maintenance and normal
Properly maintained and used means, as regards a test vehicle, that it satisfies the criteria laid down in this Regulation for acceptance of a given vehicle;
Properly maintained and used means, for the purpose of a test vehicle, that such a vehicle satisfies the criteria for acceptance
Properly maintained and used means, for the purpose of a test vehicle, that such a vehicle satisfies the criteria for accep- tance of a selected vehicle laid down in section 2 of Appen- dix 1 to Annex II;