Potential Class Member definition

Potential Class Member for purposes of this Decree shall mean females employed by Landis between December 1994 through the signing of this decree who may submit or has submitted a Claim Form with appropriate information in a timely fashion.
Potential Class Member means individuals for whom race/ethnicity is currently unknown, but who otherwise satisfy the Settlement Class definitions.
Potential Class Member is any individual who was sent notice of the certified class complaint in the Case, excluding the 348 Class Members. The Administrative Judge issued multiple orders in this case excluding the claims of many Potential Class Members; those orders of final judgment excluding the claims of certain Potential Class Members are attached as Exhibit D. Additionally, Potential Class Members are those who did not timely submit a declaration following the issuance of notice of the certified complaint and, therefore, elected not to participate in the class action. The list of Potential Class Members is attached as Exhibit G.

Examples of Potential Class Member in a sentence

  • Potential Class Members who exercise the right to opt-out must do so for all claims that the Potential Class Member possesses against the GUC Trust, Old GM, or New GM.

  • Each Potential Class Member who wishes to claim a share of the Class Fund or otherwise participate in the benefits of this Decree shall return an executed Claim Form (Exhibit B) and Release of Claims (Exhibit D) to the Commission so that it is received by the Commission not later than sixty (60) days after the package is mailed.

  • The contractor(s) will then call the guardian and ask if the guardian is willing to meet to discuss having the Potential Class Member move to a community-based setting and, if so, inform them that the Potential Class Member’s records will be reviewed as part of the next steps.

  • Tanzania has good international trade routes, suitable climate, and a long coastline well suited to brackish-water pond production.

  • The Potential Class Member (and his or her conservator or other healthcare contact, if known and applicable) will be notified in writing of TennCare’s decision regarding ICF/IID level of care eligibility.

  • Prader A, Largo RH, Molinari L, Issler C: Physical growth of Swiss children from birth to 20 years of age.

  • A form, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit F, that will permit the Potential Class Member (or his or her conservator or healthcare contact, if known and applicable) to indicate he or she does not want to apply for membership in the Arlington at-risk class.

  • However, once a Potential Class Member is removed from the List, he shall be finally and forever ineligible for membership in the at-risk Arlington class.

  • If you think you meet the definition of an Unidentified Potential Class Member (see above, Question 1.b.), you should call Class Counsel at the law firm of Lowenstein Sandler.

  • Providing the names of each individual claiming to be an Unidentified Potential Class Member under paragraph 7.6 and the status of that claim.

More Definitions of Potential Class Member

Potential Class Member is any of the 40,898 current or former USPS employees whose names are contained on the class list provided by the Postal Service to the Class Administrator.

Related to Potential Class Member

  • Class Member means a member of the Class.

  • Class Members means all individuals in the Settlement Class, including the Class Representatives.

  • Settlement Class Member means a member of a Settlement Class.

  • Participating Class Member means a Class Member who does not submit a valid and timely Request for Exclusion from the Settlement.

  • Settlement Class Members means a member of a Settlement Class.

  • Participating Class Members means all Class Members who do not submit valid

  • Non-Participating Class Member means any Class Member who opts out of the Settlement by sending the Administrator a valid and timely Request for Exclusion.

  • Individual Class Payment means the Participating Class Member’s pro rata share of the Net Settlement Amount calculated according to the number of Workweeks worked during the Class Period.

  • Released Class Claims means the claims being released as described in Paragraph 6.2 below.

  • Named Plaintiffs means: Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, and Xxxxx X. Xxxxxx.

  • Settlement Class Counsel means and refers to Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx, & XxXxxxx, P.C.

  • Plaintiffs means Xxxx XxXxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, and Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx.

  • Named Plaintiff means Xxxxx Xxxxxxx.

  • Settlement Class means, in respect of each Proceeding, the settlement class defined in Schedule A.

  • Settlement Classes means all Persons included in the Electrolytic Settlement Classes and the Film Settlement Classes.

  • Disallowed Claim means (a) a Claim, or any portion thereof, that has been disallowed by a Final Order or a settlement, (b) a Claim or any portion thereof that is Scheduled at zero or as contingent, disputed, or unliquidated and as to which a proof of claim bar date has been established but no proof of claim has been timely filed or deemed timely filed with the Bankruptcy Court pursuant to either the Bankruptcy Code or any Final Order of the Bankruptcy Court or otherwise deemed timely filed under applicable law, or (c) a Claim or any portion thereof that is not Scheduled and as to which a proof of claim bar date has been established but no proof of claim has been timely filed or deemed timely filed with the Bankruptcy Court pursuant to either the Bankruptcy Code or any Final Order of the Bankruptcy Court or otherwise deemed timely filed under applicable law.

  • Released Plaintiffs’ Claims means all any and all manner of claims, demands, rights, liabilities, losses, obligations, duties, damages, costs, debts, expenses, interest, penalties, sanctions, fees, attorneys’ fees, actions, potential actions, causes of action, suits, agreements, judgments, decrees, matters, issues and controversies of any kind, nature, or description whatsoever, whether known or unknown, disclosed or undisclosed, accrued or unaccrued, apparent or not apparent, foreseen or unforeseen, matured or not matured, suspected or unsuspected, liquidated or not liquidated, fixed or contingent, including Unknown Claims, whether based on state, local, foreign, federal, statutory, regulatory, common, or other law or rule (including claims within the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal courts, such as, but not limited to, federal securities claims or other claims based upon the purchase or sale of Class Shares), that are, have been, could have been, could now be, or in the future could, can, or might be asserted, in the Action or in any other court, tribunal, or proceeding by Plaintiff or any other Activision stockholder derivatively on behalf of Activision or as a member of the Class, or by Activision directly against any of the Defendants’ Releasees, which, now or hereafter, are based upon, arise out of, relate in any way to, or involve, directly or indirectly, any of the actions, transactions, occurrences, statements, representations, misrepresentations, omissions, allegations, facts, practices, events, claims or any other matters, things or causes whatsoever, or any series thereof, that relate in any way to, or could arise in connection with, the Transaction (or relate to or arise as a result of any of the events, acts or negotiations related thereto) and the nomination, appointment or election of Activision directors, including but not limited to those alleged, asserted, set forth, claimed, embraced, involved, or referred to in, or related to the Fifth Amended Class and Derivative Complaint or the Action, except for claims relating to the enforcement of the Settlement and for any claims that Defendants may have against any of their insurers, co-insurers or reinsurers that are not otherwise released pursuant to other documentation. For the avoidance of doubt, the Released Plaintiff’s Claims include all of the claims asserted in the Miller Action, but do not include claims based on conduct of Defendants’ Releasees after the Effective Date.

  • Class Action means a legal action:

  • Presidential elector certifying official means the state official or body that is

  • Putative father means a man who is alleged to be or who claims to be the biological father of a child born to a woman to whom the man is not married at the time of the birth of the child.

  • Election judge means a poll worker that is assigned to:

  • Lead Plaintiffs Counsel” means Elizabeth Cabraser of Lieff, Cabraser, Heimann

  • Authorized Claimant means any Class Member whose claim for recovery has been allowed pursuant to the terms of the Stipulation.

  • Unresolved Claims shall have the meaning set forth in Section 9.6(b).

  • Class Counsel means Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx of Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx LLP, Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx of Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx LLP, and Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxxxxx of Hausfeld LLP.

  • Ballot issue means a question that has been approved to be placed before the voters or is otherwise required by law to be placed before the voters. “Ballot issue” does not include the nomination or election of a candidate.